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RESULTS: Kings Lynn (23/10/14)


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Thanks all for racing tonight, well done to TomD for top scoring. :king:



Heat 1: 112 527 525 43 451 109 48 238 236 80 62 484

Heat 2: 484 112 43 262 236 246 80 385 451 443 525 380 62

Heat 3: 43 48 109 527 385 484 262 238 246 443 380 80 236

Heat 4: 112 385 262 238 527 246 380 48 443 451 109 62 525


A-Final: 236 484 112 48 262 80 43 109 527 451 246 380 525 443 238 385


GN 1: 385 262 238 43 112 109 525 380 527 246 48 451 236 80 443 484



53 pts 112 Tom D

42 pts 43 pinken

42 pts 262 Harmen

35 pts 484 Jack Ward

34 pts 236 DanSkin

32 pts 48 Tinman

30 pts 527 fast track

28 pts 109 Dan W

28 pts 385 Boostman

19 pts 238 Kane_M

16 pts 80 BenChambers

15 pts 246 Stox

14 pts 525 Mav

13 pts 451 Stox Signs

11 pts 380 Liam Powell

0 pts 62 HHUNTER

0 pts 443 ritzoberst


No Show:

186, 241


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