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MSN troubles

Crazy Craig

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I just tried to access my MSN account to check emails etc. It turns out, someone had changed my password so I had to go through all the security questions to access my account and create a new password.


Also, when I log in, I have the settings so that MSN Messenger also logs in. When that logged in, I had two contacts online, who both 'sent me' a messgae with a link: Clck here to see who has blocked you online'. I didn't click on this as I already had my password changed by some bleep and thought that this link may be a scam.


I can remeber someone posting about something similar a few weeks ago, but thought I should maybe reitorate this. It has happened to me and could happen to you!


Just a word of warning to anyone who uses MSN email and/or Instant Messnger.


Cheers and take care 

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