Jrusselluk Posted October 12, 2017 Report Posted October 12, 2017 Hi all, I will be making a new Shale Skin Pack in time for the meeting on 18/10/17 Coventry. If you want / need to upload a SSC shale skin, please upload your skins to this thread ANYONE RACING IN A NOVICE SKIN WILL NEED TO SUBMIT A SKIN, ANYONE WHO DOES NOT DO SO MAY HAVE THEIR BOOKINGS REFUSED The deadline is Monday 16th October Mid Night PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE INCLUDED EACH ROOF GRADE - THERE WILL NOT NECESSARILY BE A SKIN PACK AFTER GRADING CHANGES. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE CORRECTLY NAMED YOUR FILES AND HAVE FILLED OUT YOUR VEH FILE PROPERLY PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL 2017 SKINS MUST HAVE BLACK NUMBERS ON WHITE BACKGROUND, NUMBERS HAVE TO BE CLEARLY SEEN ON YOUR CAR!!! If you want to change your chassis/colour scheme this is now the time to do it as there are no more chassis/colour scheme changes throughout the season, 1 car per season. The following screenshots will show you all how to name the files put in the folder, also regarding the roof colours being painted on cars. PS Skins can be sent in at the default size of the template but no BIGGER Quote THIS IS HOW YOU SHOULD FILL OUT THE VEH FILE PLEASE! DefaultLivery="UKD977_JamesS.dds" HDVehicle=mondeo\mondeoS.hdv Graphics=mondeo\mondeo.gen Spinner=mondeo\mondeospin.gen Upgrades=mondeo\mondeo_upgrades.ini // Vehicle upgrades information GenString= // Used to generate GMT names in *.gen file Cameras=mondeo\mondeo.cam // Defaults to cams.cfg in UserData directory Sounds=saloons.sfx //Sounds=default.sfx HeadPhysics=saloons_headphysics.ini // Affects driver eyepoint only Cockpit=mondeo\mondeo_cockpitinfo.ini //////////////////////////TEAM HISTORY AND INFORMATION/////////////////////////////////////////// Number=977 Team="UKDirt (Shale)" PitGroup="Group1" Driver="James977" Description="#James977" Engine="SRD" Manufacturer="James" Classes="sscS" FullTeamName="UKDirt (Shale)" TeamFounded=2010 TeamHeadquarters="England" TeamStarts=0 TeamPoles=0 TeamWins=0 TeamWorldChampionships=0 Category="sscS" This is how the roof should be painted although if you wish you can have your grade down the pillers on the car. This is how the main files should be named. This is how the files in the skins folder should be named Skins received so far: 691 Cheers, James
Jake691 Posted October 16, 2017 Report Posted October 16, 2017 Same car, just needs adding to my skins folder ** Received ** UKD_691Scottish.zipFetching info...
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