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RESULTS: Sexbierum (12/04/18)


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Thanks to all who raced tonight and thanks to Stumpy for his stewarding assistance!



Whites & Yellows: 102 888 100 589 381


Heat 1: 888 55 527 39 236 244 246 43 48 777 100 589 381 621 102*

Heat 2: 236 102 39 55 589 888 244 43 381 48 246 527 621 100 777

Heat 3: 236 102 888 39 527 55 777 244 100 246 621 43 589 381 48


A-Final: 236 100 102 39 888 621 246 55 43 244 527 48 777 381 589


GN 1: 236 102 888 100 55 39 244 527 43 246 777 589 48 381 621


*removed from result - jump start



96 pts 236 DanSkin

76 pts 102 Chewy Junior

69 pts 888 Ellis_Rogers

67 pts 39 LeeK

61 pts 100 Tomdavison

48 pts 55 Kbarker

27 pts 246 Stox

25 pts 621 jouke heddema

25 pts 244 Toff

20 pts 43 pinken

20 pts 527 fast track

6 pts 589 Stijneman

5 pts 777 HGR

3 pts 48 Tinman

2 pts 381 kevharbord


The replays are here!




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