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Scunthorpe WCQR Results 30/4/18


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Thanks all for racing, well done to all race winners, CB for winning the final and LeeK and Tsjalle for joint top scoring, Thanks to LeeK for all his help tonight



Heat 1: 306 39 184 909 167 482 599 671 777 246 981 100 102

Heat 2: 167 184 621 221 889 229 306 482 599 180 777 627 909

Heat 3: 889 39 229 981 102 180 221 455 246 671 627 621


A-Final: 167 229 39 889 306 221 482 180 246 100 981 599 671 184 909 627 102 621 455 777


GN: 221 229 246 482 39 981 100 184 627 167 455 599 671 909 102 777 306 889 180




40 pts 39 LeeK

40 pts 229 Tsjalle

38 pts 167 CB

31 pts 221 Spike

30 pts 889 Eliis_Rogers

26 pts 306 PIERCYB

23 pts 482 Ginger

20 pts 184 Jack Ward

15 pts 246 Stox

12 pts 180 Wardieee

12 pts 981 MartinB

8 pts 621 Jouke Heddema

7 pts 909 Hooso

6 pts 100 Tom Davison

6 pts 102 Chewy Jnr

6 pts 599 Harold

4 pts 671 Ironside

3 pts 455 Kbarker

2 pts 627 PeteC

2 pts 777 HGR



0 pts 800 Ben Chambers


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See you all next week at Hednesford for another WCQR and a W&Y round

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