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22/08/18 Kings Lynn World Championship Final & Steve Newman


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Thanks all for racing, a brilliant World Championship Final, and a great nights racing / crashing! A very hectic meeting indeed!

Thank you to Stumpy for being an excellent steward as ever.


Well Done do the Top 3 in the World Final and to all of tonights race winners.





Outside -- Inside

Row 1: 503 -- 39

Row 2: 455 -- 641

Row 3: 100 -- 777

Row 4: 504 -- 482

Row 5: 151 -- 760

Row 6: GAP -- 112


World Championship Final: 39(LeeK), 151(Dode), 503(Dane Bell), 482, 760, 641, 777, 504, 455, 112,


Heat 1: 455, 39, 100, 777, 482, 760, 151, 641, 112, 454,

Heat 2: 760, 482, 455, 39, 100, 777, 641, 454, 151, 504,

Heat 3: 151, 39, 482, 777, 760, 641, 455, 454, 504, 100,

Heat 4: 151, 455, 39, 100, 777, 454, 760, 641, 504, 112,


Steve Newman Final: 39, 151, 760, 482, 454, 641, 112, 777, 455, 100,


Allcomers: 151, 39, 641, 760, 454, 455, 100, 777, 112, 504,


Meeting Points:


Driver # - Points


LeeK #39 - 112

Dode #151 - 99

Ryano #760 - 78

ginger #482 - 72

BryanLee #641 - 58

HGR #777 - 54

Kbarker #455 - 50

Dane Bell #503 - 40

Frans #454 - 30

Tomdavison #100 - 28

Charlie Boast #504 - 21

TomD #112 - 18


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