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Results: Aldershot - World Championship Semi Finals - 12/08/2024


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Thanks for racing. Well done to all winners.


As David Davidson won the meeting final Semi Final 1 will line up on the inside line for the World Final



Semi 1: 238 58 468 628 172 210 461 107 12 889 984 399 183 5 281         
Semi 2: 48 463 143 777 551 114 910 355 924 127 589 90 959 125


Heat 1: 127 889 183 777 107 628 463 210 58 172 114 238 5 924 461 984 90 551 125 399    
Heat 2: 127 238 889 463 58 461 910 114 777 143 210 355 589 468 532 551 5 183 924 90    
Heat 3: 468 114 889 551 355 143 910 924 463 461 532 984 90 107 172 589 125 127      
Heat 4: 532 107 143 777 58 910 5 210 238 355 984 183 172 90 125 468                                      
A-Final: 210 183 143 889 238 910 355 114 984 551 777 58 532 107          
GN 1: 238 143 889 551 114 461 910 777 463 532 210 58 107 172 984 5 183 468 355 924 90                         
47 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers
39 pts 143 Cammy
33 pts 238 Kane_M
27 pts 910 McFerran
26 pts 210 Davros
26 pts 183 CharlieGuinchard
24 pts 114 DannyRoss
20 pts 127 Belgian Devil
19 pts 777 HGR
16 pts 551 FredGreen
15 pts 463 CharlieS 
15 pts 107 Evnos
15 pts 355 Agrindey
14 pts 58 d_dickson
11 pts 532 Jimbo.E
11 pts 461 Tomdavison
10 pts 468 BraderzzCooper
5 pts 628 Woss Mclaughlin
4 pts 5 Sworder
4 pts 984 NielsR
3 pts 924 Tosh
1 pts 172 RobertL 
0 pts 90 LiamB
0 pts 125 ASHNFFC
0 pts 399 Joewebbo
0 pts 589 Stijneman


The replays are here!

Edited by Kane238
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