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F2 2005 Ladies Race


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This years F2 Ladies Charity Race is being staged at Sheffield on Sunday 13 November as part of the Startrax season finale with F1's, F2's and the Heritage Cars.


The cost will remain unchanged for each Lady driver at £15.00 for a day licence which will also cover the insurance aspect.


Trophies for this event will be arranged and provided by Startrax.  All Ladies entering for this event will receive a sponsporship form with confirmation of there booking, all proceeds collected will be going to the F2 Drivers Benevolent Fund.  For anyone that has already booked in for this event a sponsorship for will be sent to you shortly.


In addition to money being raised for the Ben Fund Startrax will donate £10.00 per raced car in the Ladies Race to Sheffield Childrens Hospital.


Bookings are now being taken by contacting Startrax, any Lady booking in for this event will need to provide there name and the car number they will be using.


Driver numbers will be strictly limited on safety grounds so get your entry in early.


Come on folks if you know of a Lady driver that has booked in for this event dig deep into your pockets and give what you can with all money raised going to a good cause.

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Ladies who have currently received bookings for this event are as follows


Paula Peel

38/511 Jo Polley

72 Angie North

136 Allyx Ford

212 Theresa Phillips

297 Sharon Blood

329 Tracey Mailer

362 Sophie Lawrence

589 Jane Osbourne

788 Lorna Cale

819 Dina Pedge

826 Jan Rea



Sponsorforms will be sent to the above ladies in the next few days for them to collect your hard earned cash.


Sponsorship forms will also be available for collection from Alan Wilde at the Sheffield meeting on October 24th.

Edited by F2-Fan
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Startrax will be taking bookings for 32 drivers for this event, this will be made up of 2 heats, 16 cars per heat.  Anyone booking in after that limit will go onto a reserve list for anyone who fails to make the grid on the day.

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If any Ladies have booked in and have not received a sponsor form I will be at Birmingham Wheels on Saturday with a supply with me if you want to collect one or two. I will be at the 362 van if I am not there I will leave a supply of them there.

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An updated list of Ladies who have currently received bookings for this event are as follows


Paula Peel

38/511 Jo Polley

72 Angie North

136 Allyx Ford

140 Caroline

160 Elle Mattock

212 Theresa Phillips

297 Sharon Blood

324 Leanne Thackra

329 Tracey Mailer

362 Sophie Lawrence

589 Jane Osbourne

609 Nina

788 Lorna Cale

819 Dina Pedge

826 Jan Rea

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To all Ladies who have booked or who are wishing to take part in this event if you wish to race it is essential that you book in. Word of mouth is not accurate enough. We need an e-mail from you sent to alan@startrax.info confirming you intend to race and the car you are using. If you are not on the up to date list below or the list on the Startrax website then please reconfirm your booking. If your name is incomplete please re-confirm so we have your correct details.As you can see from the existing notes we have increased the entry from 16 to 32 in order to allow more people to race We will be splitting the event into 2 heats if bookings go above 20 for safety reasons. Please book now.


Booking in prior to this event will help Startrax so that they can decide about splitting the grid, preparing the lists for pit marshalls so that the races can be turned around in a reasonable time and it will ensure your name gets put in print on the programme.


Ladies who have booked in for this event will take precedent over anyone who wishes to take part on the day.



The current list of names I have is as follows:


Paula Peel

38/511 Jo Polley

72 Angie North

136 Allyx Ford

140 Caroline

160 Elle Mattock

212 Theresa Phillips

297 Sharon Blood

324 Leanne Thackra

329 Tracey Mailer

362 Sophie Lawrence

448 Kate Wright

589 Jane Osbourne

609 Nina Davies

788 Lorna Cale

819 Dina Pedge

826 Jan Rea


That is the current list that I have, the ones I have made stand out I will be contacting you for further clarification of your booking.

Edited by F2-Fan
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The current list of Ladies booked to race is as follows:


Paula Peel

38/511 Jo Polley

72 Angie North

136 Allyx Ford

140 Caroline Bradford

160 Elle Mattock

212 Theresa Phillips

297 Sharon Blood

324 Leanne Thackra

329 Tracey Mailer

362 Sophie Clark

448 Kate Wright

589 Jane Osbourne

609 Nina Davies

788 Lorna Cale

819 Dina Pedge

826 Jan Rea


If there are any Ladies who are planning on taking part please contact alan@startrax.info and book in.  Startrax are after running this as a two heat event.



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The current list of Ladies booked to race has been updated with the added addition of Helen Ford


Paula Peel

38/511 Jo Polley

72 Angie North

136 Allyx Ford

140 Caroline Bradford

160 Elle Mattock

212 Theresa Phillips

297 Sharon Blood

324 Leanne Thackra

329 Tracey Mailer

362 Sophie Lawrence

448 Kate Wright

589 Jane Osbourne

609 Nina Davies

713 Helen Ford

788 Lorna Cale

819 Dina Pedge

826 Jan Rea


As other Ladies hopefully book in I will keep updating this list.


Come on guys dig deep for these ladies taking part and show your support biggrin.gif


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The current list of Ladies booked has changed as Allyx Ford will no longer be taking part.


Paula Peel

38/511 Jo Polley

72 Angie North

140 Caroline Bradford

160 Elle Mattock

212 Theresa Phillips

297 Sharon Blood

324 Leanne Thackra

329 Tracey Mailer

362 Sophie Clark

448 Kate Wright

589 Jane Osbourne

609 Nina Davies

713 Helen Ford

788 Lorna Cale

819 Dina Pedge

826 Jan Rea



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The updated list of Lady drivers for Sunday is as follows


Paula Peel

38/511 Jo Polley

72 Angie North

140 Caroline Bradford

160 Elle Mattock

212 Theresa Phillips

297 Sharon Blood

324 Leanne Thackra

329 Tracey Mailer

362 Sophie Clark

448 Kate Wright

462 Roxanne Bannister

589 Jane Osbourne

609 Nina Davies

713 Helen Ford

788 Lorna Cale

819 Dina Pedge

826 Jan Rea


If you have not yet shown your support I am sure that some of the Ladies booked in will be round and about collecting your hard earnt cash over the weekend biggrin.gif



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As you may or may not be aware the Ladies Race which was to be held at Sheffield on Sunday 13 November is now being held at Kings Lynn on Saturday 19 November 2005.


If you are in the list below your booking as automatically been entered for this event.


Paula Peel

38/511 Jo Polley

72 Angie North

140 Caroline Bradford

160 Elle Mattock

212 Theresa Phillips

297 Sharon Blood

324 Leanne Thackra

329 Tracey Mailer

362 Sophie Clark

448 Kate Wright

462 Roxanne Bannister

589 Jane Osbourne

713 Helen Ford

788 Lorna Cale

819 Dina Pedge

826 Jan Rea


If you are unable to attend can you please contact me as soon as possible to let me know.


For those Ladies who will be taking part your sponsor forms will need to be verified at Kings Lynn just so that we can sign to say that yes you took part. 


You will need to either make yourself known to either myself or Alan Wilde.  I will be found around the 362/297 cars. Alan will be found somewhere in the Stadium.  We would like to see all the sponsor forms on the day so that it can be announced to the spectators who are present how much we are expecting to raise.


The money that will be collected will need to be sent to the address on your sponsor form one week after the meeting.  All money will need to be sent to Alan Wilde no later than Sunday 27 November 2005.


If any of you need any further information please feel free to contact me either by pm.  You can e-mail me via the 362 web site, which is http://www.362racing.com or a contact telephone number can be supplied but that will have to be requested.


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The following list the list of Lady drivers have confirmed there attendance next Saturday


38/511 Jo Polley

72 Angie North

140 Caroline Bradford

212 Theresa Phillips

297 Sharon Blood

329 Tracey Mailer

362 Sophie Clark

448 Kate Wright

502 Carole Trout

713 Helen Ford

788 Lorna Cale

819 Dina Pedge


The following have yet to confirm there booking


324 Leanne Thackra

462 Roxanne Bannister

589 Jane Osbourne

826 Jan Rea


If the above 4 ladies can confirm there attendance to either myself or Alana@startrax.info as soon as possible it would be greatly appreciated.


For those Ladies who will be taking part your sponsor forms will need to be verified at Kings Lynn just so that we can sign to say that yes you took part. 


You will need to either make yourself known to either myself or Alan Wilde.  I will be found around the 362/297 cars. Alan will be found somewhere in the Stadium.  We would like to see all the sponsor forms on the day so that it can be announced to the spectators who are present how much we are expecting to raise.


The money that will be collected will need to be sent to the address on your sponsor form one week after the meeting.  All money will need to be sent to Alan Wilde no later than Sunday 27 November 2005.






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For those of you that have already collected some of your sponsorship, could you please bring it along with you on Saturday for me to collect from you.  I have been informed that Carole Cole will be in attendance and it has been requested that the money collected so far be presented to her.


It has also been requested that the Ladies taking part in a helmet collection during the evening on behalf of the Ben Fund although I am still waiting for confirmation that we have permission to do this collection.


Sponsor money that isn’t collected from you on Saturday will still  need to be sent to the address on your sponsor form one week after the meeting.  All money will need to be sent to Alan Wilde no later than Sunday 27 November 2005.






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The final list of Ladies due to take part tomorrow are as follows


38/511 Jo Polley

72 Angie North

140 Caroline Bradford

212 Theresa Phillips

297 Sharon Blood

324 Leanne Thackra

329 Tracey Mailer

362 Sophie Clark

448 Kate Wright

462 Roxanne Bannister

502 Carol Trout

509 Clare Butcher

589 Jane Osbourne

713 Helen Ford

782 Fiona Rolph

788 Lorna Cale

819 Dina Pedge

862 Jan Rea


Lets hope that a few more decide to take part too then at least we might get two heats.


All Ladies taking part tomorrow in the Ladies Race, at some point prior to the race myself and Alan Wilde will be coming to see you to collect any money from you that you have so far received in sponsor ship.  At this point you will also need to pay your £15.00 for a day license to enable you to take part, you will have a form to fill in for this purpose.


We have also been given the go ahead to have a helmet collecting during the evening in aid of the Ben Fund.  If as many Ladies taking part can make themselves available to go round the spectators it would be appreciated.  It will be announced over the PA during the evening that this is taking place.


One final thing, we will need all Ladies who take part to come together as Startrax have advised that we will be having a group photograph taken, if you can make yourself available for this it would be appreciated.


I will be posting next week how much has been raised in total.


One final thing if anyone requires a sponsor form tomorrow for some last minute collections I will have a supply with me.


Good luck to all Ladies taking part and may all Ladies successfully finish.


See you on the grid.





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  • 2 weeks later...

The money raised from the Ladies Race at Kings Lynn has amounted to




A bit of a cash boost for the F2 Ben Fund.


Thank you to everyone that helped raise this amount it has been very much appreciated biggrin.gif

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