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Sheffield Cancelled


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13th November OWLERTON


A & S Leisure and Startrax regret to announce the cancellation of the meeting at OWLERTON STADIUM SHEFFIELD on the 13th November 2005 due to track conditions.


A&S Leisure [stadium owners] have this morning advised us that they cannot risk the event going ahead due to extreme track conditions and potential consequential damage to the stadium and track which may well prejudice future greyhound events.


The stadium is completely waterlogged.


We therefore, jointly and reluctantly have made the decision taking in account a weather outlook for the rest of the week which is extremely mixed but will enable insufficient time for remedial work to the track.


Since late October the area has suffered unprecedented torrential rainfall and only after significant work did the 5th November event take place. However, during Sunday morning further torrential rain flooded the track and, again on Tuesday, necessitating the cancellation of Tuesday evenings Greyhound Racing fixture at the stadium. This in itself is unusual and further highlights conditions in general.


With further heavy rain forecast the latter end of the week and no opportunity for the track to dry to enable further remedial works, it has been decided to make both a practical decision that does not prejudice the future of stock car racing at Owlerton and for our fans and drivers.


To say we are bitterly disappointed at this time is an understatement, however we have a duty to act responsibly for our landlords, drivers and customers and given the odds, make an early decision so people may plan their weekend than the possibility of the same result Friday or Saturday.

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Only problem is riggster is the other track actually needs some shale on it first.


I have got the feeling that pressure from stadium owners has caused this one as i gather sheffield can dry out quickly given a day of dry weather

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