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Site has now undegone a complete revamp,excellently done by Guns (Many thanks!!)

Do please have a look and sign the guestbook with your comments!!





Link @ bottom of my posts.



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Nice looking site Andy  smile.gif


Can you order photo's off the site? How much are the models aswell, and who's making them? They look quite nifty!! Don't think they come cheap though, do they?!  whistling.gif




  • 1 month later...

Site Updated recently with new photo albums added to the "Misc Pics" section

Stock Rods 'n Hot Rods album added....Ministox album also added along with an album showing various render pictures from UKDirt online racing...Some F1 renders etc there which I have taken from the galleries from the UKDirt Forum,unfortunately I dont know 100% who painted/rendered them, thus me not crediting anyone.Hope this is ok.. :scared15:

In the process now of scanning some of my collection of older F2 pics to upload next

Please do pop over for a look and sign the guestbook wiv yer comments


  • 1 month later...

Pics now online from Racewall practise session featuring SSC, Stock Rods 'n Hot Rods

Also in MISC PICS Album , a few pics of newly finished Rob Speak F1 models which look sweet if I do say so myself :thumbup:




Not many pics taken last night unfortunately

Was kinda busy and it was too dark once I was organised for my poor wee camera to function properly :rofl:

SSC Winners pics added to a new album in folder along with an F2 Winners album as well

Also hoping to have a few pics up of the brand new 2006 spec Randall of Dennis Middler as soon as Den sends em to me!!!




135 pics now added to F2 Albums of cars,drivers from the 90's from my personal collection of photos bought over the years

Also pics added of race winners from Cowdie 11th March meeting



  • 3 weeks later...

Saloon race winners. F2 and Stock Rod Final winners pics added from April 1st meeting, along with some F2 on track and damage pics.



  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

A couple of updates added since my last post, including winners pics,a selection of F2 pics from Buxton WQR of 2002!! kindly sent to me by BB ,and some pics from the easter weekend meetings courtesy of the one 'n only Stavo (Official South o the Border photographer for Scotstox!!) :thumbup:

Please do pop over to the site n have a look






Edited by Andymek
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Banger World Cup pics have now been added along with saloon winners from Saturday plus some Hednesford pics.

Also some more F2 pics from Hednesford's WQR courtesy of Stav 'n Rocky






Edited by Andymek
  • 2 weeks later...

Had a spare hour or so to kill tonight so I scanned in quite a few more B&W saloon pics of 163 Bill Auld, and also a few colour pics of Bill along with some of David Auld

B&W pics added to SSC Golden Oldies album

Colour pics added to the SSC from the 90's album both of which are in the "Days gone by" Album on the main page!! (Phew!! hope that sounded straight forward enough :scared15: )



  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

50 or so pics now on the site from the SSC British along with a few Hot Rod pics and the F2 Final winner(s) :unsure:






Well done to "former" online racer "Milkman" aka Gary Black Hot Rod #6 who won the Open Scottish Title after surviving what I was told was a race that even the Saloon lads would have been proud of!! :appl:

Have to confess, I never watched the Rods all weekend as that was the time I went about my business checking the cars for damage/etc in the pits :scared15:

Edited by Andymek
  • 2 weeks later...

60 pics added to the Saloon Albums from Ireland, kindly sent over to me from Davy Park Photography (DPP)

Album also contains F2 and National Hot Rod pics (Didnt want to split them all up :scared15: )

Please pop over 'n have a look






  • 2 weeks later...

Site updated tonight with over 70 F1 pics from Scottish Championship meeting

Also some on track F2 pics and Final winners pic

Saloon winners pics also added




  • 1 month later...

Hullo again folks!! :042:

Quite a few updates since I last posted, including Skegness UK Speedweekend pics,more F2 pics from Stav and winners pics from recent Racewall meetings..

Also new model pics now added of the 3 Door Sierra saloon of Scotty Devine...

Pics on there way in the next few weeks from the F2 Semis, F2 and Saloon WFs plus Racewall meetings

Please pop over n have a look




  Andymek said:

Hullo again folks!! :042:

Quite a few updates since I last posted, including Skegness UK Speedweekend pics,more F2 pics from Stav and winners pics from recent Racewall meetings..

Also new model pics now added of the 3 Door Sierra saloon of Scotty Devine...

Pics on there way in the next few weeks from the F2 Semis, F2 and Saloon WFs plus Racewall meetings

Please pop over n have a look





stunning mr roper they just keep getting better and better :thumbs_up::thumbs_up:

  • 4 weeks later...

Quite a few updates on site since my last post, including pics from Barford F2 Semi Final meeting with some on-track pics kindly supplied by Rosko :thumbup: plus a few pit pics from yours trully

Also a few pics from Racewalls F2 National/Saloon Raymond Gunn Memorial meeting...

(Did notice however that Clubphoto site where I host my pics is playin funny beggars, currently looking for an alternative site if anyone has any suggestions?)





Try www.byphotos.com


or even www.piczo.com...


or Yahoo Albums. All i can think of atm.


Martin :thumbup:

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

Site recently had a revamp with a new host for pictures amongst other things.

Still in the process of uploading more pics, but have created a few albums so far with F2 Oldies pics and other albums with various other formulae

Next album to be created is a selection of pics from the F2 Season from 2006 ,then more pics will be added from the season once things get started again

I'm intending also having a section in the site with a history of Stock Car Racing in Scotland from its beginning in the 1960's up until the present day with a description of all the various venues that have hosted racing in the country along with some pics showing just how far car construction has come along in the last 40 or so years!!

I'm sitting with hundreds of old programmes just now trying to catalogue all the major championships that have been held up here as well to list in the section and hopefully once completed it will make interesting reading for folk.

Please have a look at the site when u get a min and sign the guestbook with your comments



  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

A few pics added from Sundays F2 Practise session







Still not quite got the hang of the new camera yet though, but I'll get there (Hopefully!!)


Edited by Andymek
  • 2 weeks later...

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