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Microsoft Email Payout !


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Firstly this isnt aimed at anyone in particular, I've received over 6 emails from members here on ukdirt about circulating an email and in return get over $24,000 from Microsoft.

If it looks to good to be true then IT IS.

This is a hoax, All that it's done is started to fill my inbox with spam, Such as the one today from Samantha, Who I'm sure is a lovely girl and really wants me, erm but I dont have the energy soz.

So if you are intending sending anymore junk to all in youre address book, Please title it junk or something, So anyone can instantly dump it.


Rant Over





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hi mac


hopefully you havent received one from me but if you have can you let me know as that is normally a sign of a virus or something more sinister i think,and i havent sent you a mail so let me know pal. thumbup.gif

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Its ok crash no virus scare just another stupid chainmail


If it was anything to worry about i would have a million years bad luck in relationships and been killed several times by various ghoulies appearing in my room for paying no attention to them

Edited by Wargasm
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