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Posted (edited)


I have a website at http://www.stockcar540.tk and want to make a new list with buttons (things on left side; 540 Intro, Home, RacingTeam, etc..) I tried to make a new list with buttons on: http://www.flamingtext.com/flash/guistuff/navbar/ but everytime i completed it, the link will open in the same frame as the buttons are, and not in the main frame, i tried to change the links like this: "overig.htm" target="hoofd" but whatever i try the link opens in the buttonframe.

Maybe it's a simple thing what i do wrong, but what can it be?

Cheers, Frits

Edited by Frits392

I had this trouble when I redid my site and I had somehow set it to open the links in the wrong window instead of telling it to open the links in the main page.

Posted (edited)

Still no joy...

when i put in the link: overig.htm target="hoofd" it tries to open the page ...../overig.htmtarget=

so i think the "" wont work or so?!?

I've tried differnt things like "overig.htm" target="hoofd" and overig.htm target=hoofd also overig.htm target="hoofd"......etc

Anymore options?

(It work on a normal selfmade link, but not in the flash program shrug.gif )

Edited by Frits392

Copy and paste the bit of code in here and i will tell you what is wrong.


When you created the buttons, one of the boxes reads "what is the target frame" or something to that accord, did you put the target frame in there?


If not you will have to remake the buttons and do that.


This is what i got from my current menu frame, and works OK:

<table border='0' width='80' height='10' bgColor='#0000A0'>

<td onMouseOver="bgColor='#3C9DFF'" onClick="bgColor='red'" onMouseout="bgColor=''">

<A title="Agenda 2005." HREF="agenda.htm" target="hoofd"><center>Agenda </A>





And this is what i got with the flash program, and doesn't work ok..:



<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"



<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="bubbles.swf?tarframe=_self&exbackground=3C9DFF&makenavfield0=Agenda&makenavurl0="agenda.htm"target="hoofd"">

<PARAM NAME=loop VALUE=false>

<PARAM NAME=menu VALUE=false>

<PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high>

<PARAM NAME=scale VALUE=noborder>


<PARAM NAME=wmode VALUE=transparent>



<EMBED src="bubbles.swf?tarframe=_self&exbackground=3C9DFF&makenavfield0=Agenda&makenavurl0="agenda.htm"target="hoofd"" loop=false menu=false quality=high scale=noborder salign=LT wmode=transparent bgcolor=#3C9DFF  WIDTH=124 HEIGHT=24 TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE="http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash"></EMBED>




<a href="http://www.guistuff.com/"><img border="0" src="http://www.guistuff.com/images/11dot.gif" width="1" height="1"></a>









There is no space in between agenda.htm"target="hoofd"">, so it reads it all as one word.


Replace that line with:


VALUE="bubbles.swf?tarframe=_self&exbackground=3C9DFF&makenavfield0=Agenda&makenavurl0="agenda.htm" target="hoofd"">




Delete the " before agenda.htm


that " will be closing the initital one from bubbles.swf etc, then after that is being read as outside the quotes


so it will read src="bubbles.swf?tarframe=_self&exbackground=3C9DFF&makenavfield0=Agenda&makenavurl0=agenda.htm" target="hoofd"


and include the space before target

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