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southern pride


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What a meeting, probaly the best civil war to date?


Glad to see the South showed the north how it was done!


And at the end of the day started walking back to the car and see a massive bus with Stuarts Coaches on it with loads of certian jocks on it :king:


Cheers Si

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And at the end of the day started walking back to the car and see a massive bus with Stuarts Coaches on it with loads of certian jocks on it :king:




:rofl: You should have popped in and said Hullo then Si!!


T'was indeed a good meeting, with the South thoroughlly deserving the victory :appl: ,they just seemed to do it all right over the course of the meeting with them dealing with the quick North cars early on and once they had been taken out they then were finished off in style!!.The North didnt seem to do the same with them taking them out okay but then the others just drove by leaving them to rejoin the race again.

Drivers of the meeting in my eyes were The Souths Shane Davies in the Infantry who had the right idea by sitting against the inner barrier between turns 3 and 4 and reversing out and picking off the North cars one by one,Shinny tried it in another race for the North but was then blocked in by a Southern motor a thing the North never did to Davies in the first race :shrug: . Chris Murfin drove a decent race in heat 1 as well, managing to dispose of a good few Southern cars in the process,but it must have been noticed as he was on the receiving end come the next heat.

Some heavy hits in the tanks with a few lads taking some sore ones,with some rather "unsavoury" hits being dished out unfortunately(Jamie Charles #7 doing Psycho rather close to the drivers door, although to Charles' credit he realised Psycho was in trouble and gestured quickly to the marshalls to stop the race and was the first one over to check out how Psycho was, and Singys hit on John Harris was also a bit too close to the drivers door for comfort as well.)

Great to meet up with some more new faces from UKDirt, Marcy, Minimack, and FBF and also nice to meet up with the "veterans" as well, Hooty,Stumpy,Stavo,Mick,Courty ;) etc .

Suppose we'll just have to keep an eye out for the Easyjet flights coming up online again for Arena then in 2007...

Took a few pics before the start of the meeting, nowt fancy and I'll upload em to the site sometime soon!!





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