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TEX back to TGA's


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:shrug: Hi all, does anyone know of any freeware program similar to MKTEX which allows me to convert my TEX skin files back to TGA files (so i can view them in Paintshop pro 8)??? With the deadline for completed skins for 2006 season looming large i want to alter my 2005 skins but only have them saved as TEX files which cant be opened in psp. If anyone has a link or program they can give me please send me a PM. Look forward to trading paint with you all shortly, matty 300
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If i remember there was a program that allowed you to do this.


I think you had to download a .car file and a replay file. You then had to rename the tex you want to convert to whatever was required and then run the replay. It would then show your template. You then had to prt screen the replay.


If you can find it and do get it working, the prt screen isnt very high quality so the skin wont look its best.


It is however possible!

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Yeah you are spot on Mitch, thats the only known way to get anything back from a .tex, if you are going to use that method set your screen resolution as high as you can before you do the printscreen bit, the results are far from great still though.

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