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Skins required please


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I will give your F1's and F2 a go :thumbup:


Anything specific you require on the car(s) ?? :shrug:



Cheers erm. perhaps as I have been told that you cant race copys of real life cars black chassis, orange body white roof.


Superstalker down the sides lol.



I will try and find a banger pic tombo 509.


Thanks alot





All light/medium blue body with Barton Boys down the sides in white writing 337 on the roof plate please. That's if your allowed copys of real bangers in Banger heat?


Edited by S-C337
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Been out most of the afternoon and evening, but had these almost completed before I saw your post.


Let me know if you want what you posted and I will change.


http://forum.kev149.com/index.php?download=1857 for the skins


car337.tex = FWJT

car937.tex = Briscans


You are too late for the F2 skin as the skinpack deadline has passed, and if you raced F2's then you would have to use a novice car. So I would ask again nearer the next skin pack for somebody to do your F2 skin. :thumbs_up:



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With the F1's sorted at last! :banghead2:

I only require..............



F2 Skins, shale/tarmac (I know it's too late to race them now) :(

Bangers, unimeted, yank, metro anything really can an escort van be done?




If anyone can help no specific design required. Do what you like. ;)

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