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Painting a Road Car


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Hi all :042:


My mum has a bright yellow Nissan Micra that maby when i get a job after college she will let me use,


I asked weather i can change the colour of it as my favourite colour isn't really that type of yellow, i spoke to my dad and he said that to get it professionaly painted can cost upto a grand, i can't afford that. My mum said i can paint it with a brush, but i said that it would make the car look tatty and de-value it loads.


When you guys paint your cars for racing what type of paint do you use? and how do you apply it, and do you recon that it would still look good a year later of road use?


Also when you guys get your cars sign written how much does it cost? casue seeing cars at the Banger World final they have fansastic paint jobs that have been done by a sign writer, roughly how much does it cost?


Any replies would be really helpfull


thanks laods


Rikard :2:

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hi mate i use normal paint not 2-pac as its cheaper. to have a car sign written can cost anywhere up to 3/400 quid dependant on who does it. dont brush paint a road car it will look awful. :3: lol. hope this helps. cheers, damo. :2:

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My recovery Transit was sprayed in household gloss, mixed with the best gloss thinners that I could find.

That was 5 or six years ago, and all it needs is a good wash every now and then to bring it back up. Its had nothing but abuse, been kept outsude and neglected for months on end, but a good wash to get the moss and grime off and its back to tidy again.


All my bangers used to be sprayed in gloss, and as long as you key the paintwork underneath realy well, it sticks well and shines to match.

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