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Need a hint in 3D Max


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Im just experementing at the moment, iv decided to make a new Trailor, its my first attemt at making somthing, its not gonna be amazing but i want it to be good.


Just a genral 3D Max question,


When making objects in 3d Max is there anyway to merge them into one?


Iv made some ramps for the trailor,




as you can see each ramp is made up of 6 "sticks" is there anyway to merge this 6 "sticks" into 1 object? so i can name the meged object "Left Ramp" or somthing?


Please can somone help me casue at the moment iv got hundreds of little bits that make up the whole trailor, and its getting confusing naming them all!! :coffee:


Thanks, Rikard







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Havent had max open for a while, but if you select one "stick" and go to edit mesh, on the right hand menu scroll down until you see "attach" click on it then click on everything you want to attach it to and it will make it into 1 mesh.

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