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F2 V2.1


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Hi Everyone,


We are pleased to announce the full 2.1 release of our F2 Stockcar mod.


This update includes the much anticipated physics updates, some model fixes to existing cars and templates for the cars to be available in version 3. We decided to do this interim update to you guys as soon as possible so you can prepare for the new season ahead.


Higman and Randall 08 templates may be found in the templates folder within the F2 stockcar folder.






We have included a number of set-ups used by testers during the final days before this release, we hope you find one of these you can use as a base set-up however if you wish to develop your own then your 2010 set-ups should be a good starting place with some tweaks outlined below.




There is now a much bigger range you can adjust the brakes through, both in pressure and balance. We have allowed such a big range so that all types of controllers and driving styles can be accommodated.


Recommended pressure settings:


Load Cell: 100

G25/27/Thrustmaster: 70%-90%

Pad: 60%


These are all recommended settings and you will have to have a play around and find out what works for you.


Recommended Bias Settings:


Load Cell: 53:47

G25/27/Thrustmaster: 60/40

Pad: 65/35




This is no longer a set it at -5/+2.9 and forget about it, both sides are now adjustable to +(LF) or -(RF) 5 and you will find the optimum angle will change from track to track. We recommend starting with + 2.2 on the LF and -3.5 on the RF and adjusting from there.




Again this area is now much more adjustable and you are no longer forced to run a caster split, for those of you struggling with snap oversteer moving these numbers closer together may help.




The spring package is almost identical to 2010, the one change is you can now run 150lb rear springs where previously 175lb was the minimum allowed.




The damping range stays at 13 clicks as per 2010, but the overall dampers are now about 1/3 softer than they were in 2010.




We have moved the optimum rev range to a more realistic location, and maximum power is now generated lower down the rev range. At most tracks you will need to be pulling about 8100 at the end of the straight to get the most out of the car, in reality this simply means you need to go 1 click difference on the differential. For instance I have gone from running a 3:89 in second at NIR to a 3:77 in second.




On tarmac the limited slip diff should now be slightly quicker, and you can adjust the car from understeer to oversteer simply by adjusting the pre load.


Tyre heating:


You can now tell if your car is to loose or to tight by monitoring your tyre temperatures, For most drivers we would expect the RR to be about 20 degrees Fahrenheit hotter than the RF at the end of the final as you are leaning on that tyre both entering and exiting the corner. If you see a much larger spread than this from front to back either way then you are out of balance.


We have tried to set the heating cycles to allow you to abuse the tyres slightly but to much abuse and they will go off. During testing we have had reports of people suffering from both the RF and RR going off and we think the balance is now correct, however with the different number of tracks available and until drivers get these in a race we cannot be 100% confident they are spot on and this is the one area that may be tweaked for V3 release.




Suspension and wheels will bend the same as they did in 2010, however they will take more punishment before they finally fail and should allow drivers to finish more races.


We have obviously made other chassis changes, but these cannot be adjusted in the setup.





Although there have been changes in the shale suspension and it now has a bit more rear grip you should just be able to load your 2010 set-ups and go racing


We would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to test this over the past few weeks.


Setup Pack


Attached is an installer containing a number of setups that were used by the testers during the, final days of testing. To install these files you need to point them to your settings directory. this is within the user data folder in rfactor, an example is below where you replace yourname with your rfactor name.


C:\Program Files (x86)\rFactor\UserData\yourname\Settings


Comment on the set-ups.


All set-ups are designed to use the Pinto with a tranx gearbox.




This set-up is designed to be used by new users of the mod, it has natural understeer built in to help people acclimatise to the car and allow you to turn some consistent laps.


Medium 1


This set-up is designed to be a natural progression from the easy set-up, It is slightly looser and a bit more challenging to drive, and slightly faster.


Medium 2


This Set-up is designed to be another step up from medium 1, again it is a bit looser and a bit more challenging this set-up on most tracks should be no more than one or two tenths of the optimum pace while still being relatively stable and a good base to develop set-ups from.


Note all my set-ups use 100% brake pressure, most people will have to lower that to there preferred number


Drumb 1


This is my primary set-up, developed from the tarmac set-up I used after the 2010 World Finals and will be where I will be starting my 2011 development at most tracks. This set-up uses relatively hard suspension settings.


Drumb 2


This set-up uses a medium spring set-up, and is based on my early 2010 set-ups. Out of the three I think this is the poorest but have included it as some people have found it suits there style more.


Drumb 3


Another member of UKSOM commented they had pillows harder than this set-up, it is very softly sprung and damped. This set-up was designed for use on some of the smaller tracks that offer less resistance and maybe a good starting point for the F2 nationals at Taunton although I have used it at NIR with some impressive results.


Other set-ups have also been included and I am sure one or two of the drivers who provided them will add comments about them.


Comments we have received from testers, during testing who have raced a real F2 over the past few seasons.


We do accept that every driver is going to have a different opinion on how these feel/handle/perform some will like them and some won't but we always get asked what the real drivers say during testing so here are a few snippets.


Car is very good, got right balance, need to drive it nice and smooth to get it right!


These feel almost exactly like driving my RCE


Corner entry very good, to get a good bend in you have to drive it in slower, very very like real life as if you drive it to fast you will just push on or arse comes out!


The exit is good, can be a bit loose but these are real wheel drive cars and you have to treat them with respect


Download links below


F2 Stockcars Version 2.1


Setup Pack



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as I said before Drumb, well done to all involved in this, lots of work gone into these and I think they are a million times better than they were before :)


thanks for letting me test them. :joystick:


Admin : can we arrange a test meeting for this Monday maybe? be good to see what everyones thoughts are.



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quick question do u have to delete all the old f2 stuff before installing this 1?


its best to tbh m8, delete your f2stockcars folder from vehicles, delete rfm files, delete cch (for league mod and normal mod) and delete f2sui from rfactor root folder and you'll be good to go.

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Had a quick blast in the practice server last night in order to test my new GFX card and have to say, the tarmac physics are a marked improvement...no more chronic twitching if you got the back end out under power on corner exit...now you can glide the car on the throttle but if you give it that little bit too much, it will still bite and send you spinning. Top marks lads, and the setups just seal the deal perfectly...it was very interesting to feel how different every individual's setups were, yet still be able to set similar laptimes. Well done UKSOM and the Beta testers, a job well done :appl:

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