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Posts posted by Adam

  1. Cal, I wasnt having a go its just you dig at people when they post there renders up. Yeah your renders are good and I cannot see one bad thing about them, all im saying is just give a positive comment back. :thumbs_up:


    Rant Over.



  2. Makes me feel iffy about posting my update of my new skin if this is the attitude :thumbs_down:

    No dont bother Saloon, you may just get DIGGED at again. But you first picture was good. :thumbs_up:


    Oh, and Cal i made this for you, put it in your signature......


  3. Don't bother posting then, most people try hard on there skins and want some positive comments, not a dig at it. I bet you wasn't brilliant at painting skins and rendering when you first started was you?



  4. Time for the digging to stop!


    Calum, everytime someone posts a skin/render up you dig at them. Sorry but it's starting to annoy me. If you don't like someone skin or render or its a bit off from perfect don't bother posting. Everytime you post something it a dig at someone, come on for good sake these people are having a go and trying there best and don't want to be put down by a stupid comment.



  5. First off all this topic is posted in the wrong place mate....


    Anyway, delete the one in the run folder then try installing it again and check the Run folder thats its gone back into there. Then try your game, if it isn't in there i haven't a clue.


    Hope this helps..


  6. :appl: Well done you have found the search button! :5:


    And why couldn't you just do that in the first place instead of posting here? :shrug:


    Oh and you may want to edit your above post, your not allowed to swear on the forum....

  7. some people can be so selfish and its not even there own work! but yer would be nice if people could post up there collection of 3ds files.


    Don't you think that is taking the P.......


    You say that people are being selfish and then you go and ask for someone to post them up! Time to think before you post something up yeah? :3:


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