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Posts posted by gary_cfc

  1. hi,


    shaun websters been up at cowdie alot this season so i took advantage of that lol


    comments welcome good or bad


    if anyone wants the tex and drivers text just ask nd ill post it up


    gona try make a few more starting with steve webster lol


  2. Nice idea Tinman. Both Chevy's and your t-shirts look really cool and I think it would be great for going to different tracks and meeting up with other members. It's hard enough to find people at Cowdie lol!


    you arent hard to find lol


    those t-shirts a re really nice

  3. tonight the ministox league are having a practice meeting at 6pm.there also is another meeting next week on wednesday


    over the 2 weeks there willl be a silver roof up for grabs(to make it more competative)


    come along tonight and race u can book in here for practice meeting at 6pm.




    PS we will be finished in time for anyone that races ukdirt to race in the f1's

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