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Everything posted by garfie

  1. Hi, Ok cool, what does r factor involve? And how do I get it? Is there still a fee to race the r factor mods? Gareth
  2. Hi guys. Been away from dirt for a while, a few years now, maybe 3 or 4, used to race f2 regulary, never did very well, but enjoyed it. Looking at getting back into it maybe, but looks like things have changed quite a bit. I still have a copy of 'Heat' and still have my skins saved from my old cars. I wondered if anyone would help me or give me some advice of what i need or need to do and how i can get back racing? Garfie (167)
  3. garfie

    F2 Skin

    Hi guys, Would anyone be willing to put some basic graphics onto my F2? I have already painted it, i.e the panels and all the other bit, just dont have any graphics! If anyone has the tile, PM please Garfie167
  4. Hi, Wondered if anyone would be willing to signwrite both my hotrods? The skin are paited and just wantgraphics put on them!? If poss i need to know by tomorow nite as i'm goin away and will need to send them or post my old ones Cheers Garfie
  5. garfie

    F1 Skin

    My thursday nite are going to become available soon, and was looking for some1 to paint me a tarmac a shale skin! any offers, then pm me, and let me know!? Garfie167
  6. My thursday nite are going to become available soon, and was looking for some1 to paint me a tarmac a shale skin! any offers, then pm me, and let me know!? Garfie167
  7. Thats hilarious, made me laught far too much, good find Garfie
  8. hey tombo thanx for the add, let us no wen u get pgr3, i'll join ya Garfie
  9. Hey Guys, I'm online too, its awesome, call of duty 3, PGR is amazing online, and have PES as wel, feel free to add me if u want, always on it! My gamertag is Garfie Garfie167
  10. What front cover does the version of the game have on it? is it the copy wiv #5 mark kinser on his own on the front or the copy with #5 again plus #10 tyler walker on it? Cheers Garfie
  11. There is a few copies on ebay mate Garfie
  12. Big thank you to everyone who hepled me to sort out my skin transfering problems, much appriciated! Garfie
  13. Big thank you to everyone who hepled me to sort out my skin transfering problems, much appriciated! Garfie
  14. Hotrod - Clio table Driver number 167 name C1-Garfie Chassis clio rank 1 race_image 100 body_style ccar end F2 - Rankin table Driver number 167 name Garfie Chassis rankin rank 1 race_image 100 body_style ccar end this is what ive put in..... Garfie
  15. as tex now,as i couldn't get mtex to work and eric very kindly sent me the tga to tex file, also dunno how to change it to save them as 24 bit uncompressed
  16. Been attepmting to paint my own skins, and complete a couple, saved them as TGA files, then converted them to mtex files and put thme in the corresponding mod folders and completed the driver text file. when came to race, selected my painted car, all fine, then when the start of the race came on, i got the correct chassis, but the the skin was not on the car, but just the page u get in the paintshop when u are painting it i.e the page was just attached to the car, if u understand?! my sound confusing, but hard to expain. sorry if it doesn't make any sense, but any ideas? Cheers, Garfie
  17. Been attepmting to paint my own skins, and complete a couple, saved them as TGA files, then converted them to mtex files and put thme in the corresponding mod folders and completed the driver text file. when came to race, selected my painted car, all fine, then when the start of the race came on, i got the correct chassis, but the the skin was not on the car, but just the page u get in the paintshop when u are painting it i.e the page was just attached to the car, if u understand?! my sound confusing, but hard to expain. sorry if it doesn't make any sense, but any ideas? Cheers, Garfie
  18. ok cheers mate!
  19. Just gone wireless, and was using my laptop before went wirless, and since going wireless, the cars keep jumping and some are invisible and other racers say they go straight through me! in the graphic options i've put all the options to low resolution but still jumpiing! any suggestions? Cheers Garfie
  20. Add me, Garfie 167
  21. Can anyone tell me what photoshop is the best one to use to paint my skins on? I know adobe but what series, because there is quite a few, like CS, CS2 v 9.0, elements v2, album v2, and elements 4.0! Any help would be much appriciated, Cheers Garfie
  22. Thanx a lot, got it to work now, cheers garfie
  23. Dunno if anyone can help, but, went to race online the other night, and could not get my server to work! can get into the chat ok, but when closed everything down, and went to connect to the jolt server it told me that the server was not responding! is there anything that i mite have done wrong, or need to do for it to work? hope someone can help, Garfie
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