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Everything posted by sprouts

  1. loading screen ? where is it ?
  2. ill try it as mine keeps crashin ?
  3. i get the same aswell !
  4. i have to agree with the race engines bit, cars are getting faster and faster meaning harder hits more damage and the "extra material" is just stupid a mk2 granada came over to ireland with box section on it is that allowed and he was one of team black
  5. EPIC!! looking foreward to racing this
  6. Swindy I believe Steven has yet another crown hearse ill try get to his yard for pics
  7. http://www.teamsavagebangers.com
  8. no Tnb is a laugh
  9. WD m8 looks good
  10. hi all could u all post up the scenes for 3dmax as i know of some are not on websites can u post em up plz ta
  11. Heres the pics hope there ok
  12. i cant find the lasso tool on jasc paint shop pro where is it ??
  13. primera is stripped take pics tomorrow as it is raining over in Ireland at the mo
  14. we also have a carina 2 estate if anybody is interested in pics ?
  15. pics will be up some time this week as we have 2 strip it
  16. My dad has a Primera for bangers and i was wondering before he races it does anybody want pictures of it ? its a Primera saloon to save people asking if you want pics ill post them up here,
  17. who made it ??? when is it out ?? my dad raced one (realife)
  18. get with it... what do u mean get wit it ??
  19. i thought there is already a 245 hearse?? WD m8 looks good
  20. heres 1 i found on my website hope it is a bot of help
  21. [attachmentid=12457] i was at that race i have some action shots of that hit he did the same thing to a Lada (pic below)
  22. Hi Aussie could u do me 2 yanks Team Savage again Greg142 and Sprouts143 are the drivers Sprouts143 yank hearse Greg142 Caprice estate P.S dont forget to put RA SIGNS on it cheers
  23. That chevy look nice wd
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