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Everything posted by DAZZA588

  1. where is swaffam 8
  2. got it running but all i have got nat hot rod background but with nascars
  3. You need the full game in order to install bangers. There used to be a patch you could install to make the game work but I have forgotten if it is still available and where it is. can inot use the mod found on the mod squad page i had the full game but the disk has got scratched and it wont work Thats possibly the one im thinking of, I have never used it so I cant comment on how to use it, although im sure somebody here can help you further. just seems funny whatever i install i get ui errors and the banger heat 1 file only copies i file its proper doin my head in lol hellllllllllllllllllp
  4. You need the full game in order to install bangers. There used to be a patch you could install to make the game work but I have forgotten if it is still available and where it is. can inot use the mod found on the mod squad page i had the full game but the disk has got scratched and it wont work
  5. the demo works fine but when i install the game files for bangers the demo still works but bangers does not any ideas anyone
  6. if you start the game and its crashing, it'll give you an error log notepad document. Please post the contents of that up and we'll try and help. look for a bit between rows of equals signs like below... ====================================================== ERROR WILL BE HERE ======================================================
  7. my ukdirt has just decided to stop workin ive uninstalled it and re installed it but still no good
  8. tried 2 race last nite but could not get in 2 races all it said was waiting 4 reply ne ideas
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