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UKDirt 2nd Tier Admin
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Everything posted by drumbstick

  1. If you read the thread as well they are not new cars, but 2009 cars with new paintwork. Brennans new car will be at the NEC though(Also taken from that thread)
  2. Dazza have you installed the sim raceway plugin
  3. We will do something but probably after christmas, if people really want to do something before then with the old physics we can maybe a couple of shale meetings
  4. Good response so far guys, I have included the national points table, to remind everyone who raced and if you are on there you can vote. Closing date will be December 11th
  5. You know most people will think you are joking
  6. BUMP Cmon guys keep the votes coming in, 67 of you raced this year and are eligible to vote.
  7. OK guys and gals its that time of year again. Below you will find a number of categories to vote for, please take 5 minutes to fill in the forms as members (F2 and others) like to read what you write and reflect on the racing this year. PLEASE DO NOT POST YOUR ANSWERS HERE BUT PM THEM TO MYSELF, OR ANOTHER MEMBER OF THE F2 ADMIN TEAM Regards F2 Admin Best Overall Track: Best Tar Track: Best Shale Track: Worst Overall Track: Worst Tar Track: Worst Shale Track: Best Overall Driver: Favourite Driver: Fairest Driver: Hardest Trier: Hardest Hitter: Driver you just Have to Hit: Muppet of the Year: Most Improved Driver: Newcomer of the Year: Best Paint Job: Meeting of the Year: Most Memorable Moment: Person to beat in 2010:
  8. Using a novice skin is fine mate
  9. Odd one what does the FPS show as mate
  10. Al I would think at least the heats will be in the day, but if you want to practice in the dark offline just change the race start time in the settings and your practice session will start at that time as well.
  11. Indeed it was top stuff As for the main meeting, i just seem to be on a run of no luck at the moment, if there is going to be an accident I am going to be in it. Still about time I suppose
  12. Happy birthday bud
  13. 8:30 mate, now heat has finished
  14. WD quickest car all night and deserved. What a track, 3 races in the top 3 and a couple where I was laps down for the first time this season
  15. And you pinched the wheels from the F2 mod, not cool at all
  16. I am not sure the tyre wear would work, as we never really played with it in testing as it was never a factor.
  17. WD Lee a very good drive under sometimes difficult circumstances
  18. Somebody did not read the WF program
  19. Cheers knobby
  20. Cheers leech but its the building just to the left of that blue box Drumb
  21. Guys, Does anyone have good pictures of this building at Arena. Square on and especially of the upstairs would be helpfull
  22. Sorry Robin is still having PC problems and is 90% likely to miss the meeting
  23. Shocking from me and the less said about the driving the better. Still I will be blue soon
  24. H87 booking out with PC problems
  25. Oh and I need to say sorry to both Nezza and Trav who I gave big hits to when they were trying to move over. Sorry lads bad driving on my part
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