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About Bleach

  • Birthday 27/01/1976

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  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Interests
    Racing, pure petrol head, women
  1. Hi folks, can anyone shine some light on the mktex convertor? ive followed instructions but go astray once the ms dos box opens, whatever i type i get the same message ' not recognised as an internal or external command, operable or batch file. took me long enough to master skins , just cant convert it.... help EDIT: Language
  2. Bleach

    F2 Skins help

    Dont add him!!! unless you wanna be harrassed by a pre pubesant minor!! Otherwise block him like the rest of us do lol...
  3. Errrrr heres mine....Missus on beach in Turkey,surrounded by 6 million icons!!
  4. Thats what my missus says... Merry xmas
  5. Errrrrr problem sorted,after many hours of Hutch and Kane trying everything and still not working,i tryed Samson's advice and it errrrr worked. I hang my head in shame as im a complete prune never thought of putting fullstops in?@# Big thank you to all that helped,especialy Hutch who spent part of the earlier hours of xmas morning trying to sort it out(funniest bloke about)..
  6. Firewall turned off...still dont work:*(
  7. When clicking find on jolt. the ip address displays i then click 'ok' and it says 'waiting for reply' but keeps waiting and waiting......???any ideas??
  8. Hi all,being new to this and computers in general i require skins for F2 and hotrods as im crap.I want to race asap but been told to get a skin sorted?? I need them doing with 897 on them preferably in a modern airbrush style and with my name and in my case the obligatory engine builder 'Lyndale engines' Hope someone can help me here, i aint sure if the cas then need to be uploaded or what??? Oh yeah peugeot 206 hotrod or starlet and any chassis for F2 ....Must look mint
  9. Oh Yeah!!! cheers chaps!!
  10. Sorry for being naive...but how do you change driving view??is it possible?
  11. Just got my nascar heat,installed it and all the addon cars n skins for most of the formulas,got a load of trax to,start to play the game and i get the nascars motors only!! but i can see a list of nascar trax and uk ovals,which i can use.Where are my bangers n stuff???? wot have i done wrong:(
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