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About JoshTickleP74EM

  • Birthday 30/05/1999

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  1. Josh Tickle, 299c Please
  2. These are Dan Heaths cars... Both Tar and Shale cheers, Josh **Received ** Dan_Heath_Skins.zip
  3. Nahh its alright Grasser, dont worry m8
  4. Dont Worry Grasser, its alright... nopt feeling great atm anyways, leave it as it is
  5. I aint on there.....
  6. Tar Skins (soz for all these) Edit by DanSkin - I have collected skins up to this point. F1_Skins_2013.zip
  7. My Shale Skin changed for 2nd pack as requested Same as above, any probs please message me F1_Skins_2013.zip
  8. Ben Tickle 72 (Topstoxer) Skins Any Problems please contact me Ben_Tickle__Tostoxer__F1_Skins.zip
  9. Would silver/grey rollcages be allowed as they are for the points champion? Neutral to most is all I was thinking
  10. Soz... didn't know I hadn't uploaded em :/ F1_Skins_2013.zip
  11. JoshTickle_174.... Any probs lease message me on here or fb Cheers
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