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Posts posted by gary132

  1. in my search for help i stumbled upon online bangers. in there chat the guys were realy helpful and sorted me out on online bangers.

    from this i think i have learned how to run ukdirt bangers now. so hopefully when there is a banger meeting on i will be able to join in.....will try it when i can

    ive raced severall online banger races now and it is wicked fun....i do hope to get on ukdirt with it soon.


  2. Ok fellas ive joined ukdirt.

    i have now got heat bangers working on my laptop and running.

    ive posted asking questions but only a couple of people have tried to help me.

    i dont feel i am any further forward ...i can join servers and i end up sitting in the lobby. there seems to be no prctice servers to test my game to see if it works.

    ive been given the idea i have to make a skin for each event...i dont know could someone please help me out.....nobody seems to be on ts to ask....

    a very frustrated fella i am ....


  3. thanks drumstick appreciated fella.

    the system is windows xp

    and the graphics card is nvidia 9500 gt.

    ive done a re-install of heat by the instructions on site.

    someone did say on the facebook page that there was some tool or something that helps with high resolution screens.

    i have a 22inch flat screen monitor.

    the game installed and mods installed good. when i go into game i use f1 f2 f3 but i can only see my car ok with view f4 any other view i get these spikes of multicolour run across my screen

    from the top left corner down to the bottom right corner completely block sight of the car and track....its obviously a graphics issue but i dont know how to cure it

    i have updated my card drivers.....am at a bit of a loss now....one of the reasons i came to dirt was for the bangers and i cannot get it to run....

    must be a fix somewhere as people are running it.....


    There is something called Nascar Heat UI Control Center which I think you should still be able to find online somewhere to download which allows you to change the in game resolution beyond the standard ones that are shown within game. This 'might' be worth a try as the resolution options given in game are limited in todays market.


    Also have you tried changing the graphics settings in game to minimum and maximum to see if the issues is the same there and also try the various resolution options in there also.




    Dont know much about the game you are playing, but would try the settings like mentioned above, also found this info might help.......



    Hi fellas. i got the ui control tool and sadly it seems my system is too new for me to run heat bangers on.

    very sad about this as i realy would love to join in with these as i used to be a real banger driver years ago and these are my favorite.

    i will keep trying to see if i can find a way to run it but for now its a no go.

    one piece of advise given was to put old graphics drivers on....trouble is finding them.

    im running a nvidia 9500 gt card.....i dont know what drivers ( old ) i would need....

    Gary. happy racing.


  4. I have to say drumbstick excellent meeting very well run indeed.

    my 1st time racing on ukdirt and i enjoyed every minute of it.

    the guys on teamspeak were excellent and were a real laugh as well as seriouse racers.

    i look forward to many good meetings on uk dirt in the future.

    Sorry i had to leave last two races at 9.25 in the evenings i have to leave to pick my wife up from work

    the racing was very good .....gary132.

  5. thanks drumstick appreciated fella.

    the system is windows xp

    and the graphics card is nvidia 9500 gt.

    ive done a re-install of heat by the instructions on site.

    someone did say on the facebook page that there was some tool or something that helps with high resolution screens.

    i have a 22inch flat screen monitor.

    the game installed and mods installed good. when i go into game i use f1 f2 f3 but i can only see my car ok with view f4 any other view i get these spikes of multicolour run across my screen

    from the top left corner down to the bottom right corner completely block sight of the car and track....its obviously a graphics issue but i dont know how to cure it

    i have updated my card drivers.....am at a bit of a loss now....one of the reasons i came to dirt was for the bangers and i cannot get it to run....

    must be a fix somewhere as people are running it.....

  6. big al said ....good sensible stuff with no idiots. In fact, the only idiots seemed to show themselves in Chat where some puerile stuff went on, but on-track it was great.


    the stuff in chat was myself being victim of some abuse from stox drivers which ended with me leaving simstox after being offered my £10 joining fee back if i promised to leave simstox and never return to simstox.

    i did not accept the fee back but did leave.


    i raced the evening but did not get anywhere...and it ended with me being thrown out of the last race due to the bullying i had recieved.

    oh well i hope things go better here.

    so far i have been accepted by most of the guys.

    and hope it continues.




  7. Can someone please help me setup heat bangers ....ive installed and have it working but my graphics are going mad i can only view from top down view.....any other view i get spikes on screen and cannot see anything

    help would be appreciated i can go on dirt teamspeak for help....

    thanks in advance gary

  8. two practice servers up where can i find the password please. only password i can find is for the heat bangers.

    help appreciated gary.


    In the members section there is 2 options. 1 for Heat Server Information and the 2nd is rFactor Server Information.

    sorted leak thanks.... am now officially full time ukdirt and not simstox anymore.

    who would i need to ask for help getting heat bangers installed and running as i am having seriouse issues with getting that working.

    much appreciated gary.

  9. Hi fellas i am probably being dumb here but i saw there are 2 servers and the passwords.

    but whenever i look these servers are not up and running...

    can someone point me in the right direction please.

    many thanks gary.


    If you are talking Heat servers then they tend to be on all the time. rFactor ones will usually be on most days apart from a Tuesday when Bangers run on Heat so we close them for that.

    thanks leek i will try again.

    i did download all the bits for heat bangers but the graphics just spike on my pc so will not worry about the bangers...

    but looking to race the other formulas.

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