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  1. I use a USB graphics card to allow me to use a second monitor on my macbook air at work. It's only any good for 2D stuff. There are USB3 versions starting to appear, those may be better...
  2. Mine
  3. Has anyone got the Fanatec wheel?
  4. Some people worry waaay too much about setups and lap times and don't enjoy the game because of it. Just use the default setup, move the brake bias backwards or forwards a bit depending on how much you want to slide under braking then forget about it. How anyone can spend hours and hours practicing offline is beyond me. I'd get bored in minutes. What's the point? Find someone else who wants to practice, start a server yourself, get in there with them and practice racing, not searching for that 0.010 faster lap. I don't want a meeting to last three hours cos everyone's chatting away, 90 minutes is plenty long enough. If you want more of a community feel, join the voice chat thing, get people's MSN addresses, PM them in IRC etc. Lots of opportunities.
  5. I managed to get myself spun out in every race fortunately in the final I did a complete 360 so didn't lose too much time, and ended up missing a big crash that took most of the reds out. Last bend was pretty cool, everyone went in fast to avoid a last bender only to find a couple of cars on the racing line and a mad dash to try and get round them. Had some good racing with Dode (in pretty much every race) and Johno, amongst others.
  6. mick harris both please
  7. Great nights racing. I started 21st out of 23 or something, so was pleased with 4th place. Got a decent start and tried to follow Tom through the chaos but got caught up in the crash that Skeet mentioned and had to turn right, almost stop then come back over. Pleased that I didn't wall ride my way around which some people would have. I was way back down the order then but slowly worked my way through and had a great battle with Tosh and Aub, it took me a good 5 laps to finally pass Tosh and we did a whole lap side by side, awesome stuff. Once I'd got clear I put in two really crap laps on my own, like 14.4's. If I'd been in the 13.9's I reckon I'd have been in with a chance on the last lap but never mind. As it turned out I had a grandstand seat for the last bend fight which was pleasantly restrained so congratulations to the leaders for that. Leek got sideways on the last bend and I snuck through to take 4th. I can't remember any of the rest of the meeting at all!
  8. Nice one Tom, really want to watch the replay but I don't have it. Can someone upload it? Ta!
  9. Some good racing last night, had a good battle with Trav in one of the heats. Then in one of the thunder races a whole gaggle of reds/SS at the front for at least 5 laps, bumpers going in everywhere and somehow all of us coming out the next bend! Where do you draw the line with the tarmac? I think it's perfectly reasonable to hook a wheel up on the kerb - it's not the fastest way but lets you take a slightly different line in or out of the bend.
  10. Possibly the stupidest post I've ever seen on these forums, and there's been some stiff competition.
  11. Both for me please!
  12. Fair bit of criticism above. Constructive, but still criticism, so I wanted to say this: I still sit in wonder every so often at just how good this game looks with everything turned up, and how brilliant the racing can be when you get a few people racing with respect. Some weeks it's bloody frustrating and I don't bother racing for a while. Always down to a lack of respect by certain people and there's nothing the 'league' can really do about this. But there are moments when it's absolutely superb and I finish a race with a huge grin on my face, even if it was just over a battle for 10th place. I don't know how some of you guys find the motivation to race every week, there's no way I could, I need a break now and then. When I'm enjoying it though, it's the best game in the world.
  13. Lol, what a genius eh!
  14. I'll bite. Why hasn't Trav been upgraded? That's not how I want to win finals and its completely unfair on other lower grade drivers.
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