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About zarky191

  • Birthday 21/05/1994

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  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  1. pm me ur msn addy and ill send u some gd ones
  2. mite giv it ago some time cheers haadee
  3. Vauxhall Calibras are very popular at the moment and theres loads about i reakon perfect model if 1 was realesed
  4. zarky191


    thats loads better than braderz version bigguns m8 that is brilliant
  5. zarky191


    lol sibbs
  6. nicks site has a tutorial on car making Nicks web
  7. you are right m8
  8. zarky191


    Heres my latest render [attachmentid=21358]
  9. zarky191


    here is leechys mns world final car skin and render by me! [attachmentid=21327] [attachmentid=21328] Cheers Zarky191
  10. looks mint! damage should be good!
  11. Could somebody post the download for the driver and seat for 3ds max and before anybody goes use search i already have and hant found nothing so please post it up Cheers
  12. i like the ones what are on already but i like the wheels on parry's cavmk3 them wheels would suit the bluey
  13. thats what i meant dazza for rfactor would looook mint
  14. please could somebody post it up or post up the normal.tex of the pace car cheers
  15. so dazza are you going to make a mod for say stock rods! Nova are stock rods and that be a wicked mod! Cheers
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