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UKDirt 2nd Tier Admin
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About Toff244

  • Birthday 11/09/1992

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  1. Toff 5g booking in please
  2. Skins no longer available. Sorry for any inconvenience.
  3. Thanks to all who raced tonight and to LeeK and FastTrack for their stewarding assistance! Well Done to d_dickson#783 for winning the A Final tonight and for top scoring for the evening. Well Done to all the other winners tonight. Results: W&Y:78 299 201 341 324 404 Heat 1: 822 48 777 783 57 229 910 100 888 39 8 468 201 338 622 404 Heat 2: 341 211 527 228 238 691 20 167 145 143 244 299 324 259 Heat 3: 822 201 468 100 131 211 238 888 39 691 57 8 20 341 338 404 Heat 4: 783 48 143 228 229 777 167 145 910 527 622 244 324 259 Heat 5: 201 131 691 341 910 39 238 822 777 888 48 143 145 622 259 324 Heat 6: 299 468 783 57 211 229 244 167 228 338 100 527 8 20 404 B-Final: 20 622 8 324 404 259 338 A-Final: 783 48 229 299 691 910 777 527 238 201 211 100 57 145 143 341 131 167 228 468 888 39 GN 1: 468 229 341 910 143 39 622 888 131 57 238 244 201 338 404 GN 2: 100 48 691 299 211 777 783 527 8 167 228 20 259 145 Points: 91 pts 783 d_dickson 81 pts 48 Tinman 74 pts 229 Tsjalle 60 pts 691 Jakeeey 59 pts 299 Burnsy 51 pts 910 Naill 45 pts 777 HGR 37 pts 468 BraderzzCooper 33 pts 341 BryanLee 32 pts 211 EmielDeJong 30 pts 100 Tomdavison 30 pts 527 fast track 24 pts 201 ASHNFFC 24 pts 238 Kane_M 23 pts 822 Roelof 21 pts 143 Cammy 19 pts 131 rutger 18 pts 39 LeeK 16 pts 228 Sierd 15 pts 57 LittleTheo 12 pts 167 CB 12 pts 888 Ellis_Rogers 8 pts 622 Johandehaan 5 pts 145 SKint 4 pts 20 Milan 4 pts 8 Tosh 4 pts 244 Toff 1 pts 338 Evnos 0 pts 324 thacks 0 pts 404 robbiec 0 pts 259 jimmymuk The replays are here!
  4. Please check you have 3 heats. W&Y Server 1 8:20 start Heat 1: 201, 404, 783, 48, 100, 338, 468, 622, 822, 8, 57, 777, 888, 229, 39, 910, , , , , , , , , , , , , , server 1 - 34297 ( steward 39) Heat 2: 299, 324, 341, 20, 131, 143, 228, 259, 145, 167, 238, 244, 527, 211, 691, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , server 2 - 34298 ( steward 527) Heat 3: 201, 404, 341, 20, 100, 131, 338, 468, 822, 8, 57, 238, 888, 211, 39, 691, , , , , , , , , , , , , , server 1 - 34297 ( steward 39) Heat 4: 299, 324, 783, 48, 143, 228, 259, 622, 145, 167, 244, 527, 777, 229, 910, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , server 2 - 34298 ( steward 527) Heat 5: 201, 324, 341, 48, 131, 143, 259, 622, 822, 145, 238, 777, 888, 39, 691, 910, , , , , , , , , , , , , , server 1 - 34297 ( steward 39) Heat 6: 299, 404, 783, 20, 100, 228, 338, 468, 8, 57, 167, 244, 527, 211, 229, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , server 2 - 34298 ( steward 527)
  5. Late bookings and cancellations in here please folks. Please state your: Name: Number: Grade:  Bookings will close at 7.30PM!
  6. Well done to TomD for winning the Final and to Tsjalle for top scoring. Also well done to all race winners and thanks to leek, FT and TomD for their stewarding assistance. W&Y: 341 83 666 404 Results: Heat 1: 527 131 691 229 211 777 299 143 238 338 666 Heat 2: 910 39 8 112 57 244 100 468 696 504 341 404 Heat 3: 691 777 143 910 527 211 696 338 238 299 244 404 Heat 4: 229 100 112 57 8 39 131 341 83 504 666 468 Heat 5: 777 112 527 691 229 299 211 100 131 338 504 404 Heat 6: 468 57 39 910 244 143 8 696 238 666 341 83 A-Final: 112 229 910 527 238 696 468 211 777 143 8 131 691 341 666 504 100 57 244 39 404 299 338 83 GN 1: 777 211 229 468 39 527 143 8 696 404 504 GN 2: 100 691 238 244 57 910 341 666 112 338 Points: 84 pts 229 Tsjalle 82 pts 112 TomD 74 pts 910 Naill 69 pts 527 fast track 54 pts 777 HGR 52 pts 238 Kane_M 48 pts 211 EmielDeJong 47 pts 468 BraderzzCooper 43 pts 691 Jakeeey 38 pts 696 Kloosterman 36 pts 100 Tomdavison 34 pts 57 LittleTheo 34 pts 39 LeeK 29 pts 143 Cammy 25 pts 244 Toff 24 pts 8 Tosh 15 pts 131 rutger 11 pts 341 BryanLee 10 pts 299 Burnsy 7 pts 666 JohnH 7 pts 338 Evnos 2 pts 83 BenS 2 pts 404 robbiec 2 pts 504 Charlie Boast The replays are here! Messers: 0 pts 51 Peet Gommans 0 pts 55 Kbarker 0 pts 228 Sierd 0 pts 621 jouke heddema
  7. PLEASE NOTE: DRIVERS WHO DO NOT DISPLAY THE NUMBER THEY HAVE REGISTERED FOR F1S WILL SCORE 0 POINTS FOR THIS MEETING. NO EXCEPTIONS!!! Please check you have 3 heats. W&Y 83, 201, 299, 404, 666, 51, 122, 341 Whites and Yellows will start at 8:20 Heat 1: 201, 299, 666, 122, 55, 131, 143, 338, 621, 145, 238, 527, 777, 229, 211, 691 server 1 - 34297 ( steward 527) Heat 2: 83, 404, 51, 341, 100, 228, 468, 504, 696, 8, 57, 112, 244, 39, 910 server 2 - 34298 ( steward 39) Heat 3: 201, 299, 404, 51, 100, 143, 338, 621, 696, 238, 244, 527, 777, 211, 691, 910 server 1 - 34297 ( steward 527) Heat 4: 83, 666, 122, 341, 55, 131, 228, 468, 504, 8, 57, 112, 145, 39, 229 server 2 - 34298 ( steward 39) Heat 5: 83, 299, 404, 51, 55, 100, 131, 338, 504, 112, 145, 527, 777, 211, 229, 691 server 1 - 34297 ( steward 527) Heat 6: 201, 666, 122, 341, 143, 228, 468, 621, 696, 8, 57, 238, 244, 39, 910 server 2 - 34298 ( steward 39) A Final: ??? server 1 - 34297 ( steward ???) B Final:??? server 2 - 34298 ( steward ???) GN1: ??? server 1 - 34297 ( steward ???) GN2: ??? server 2 - 34298 ( steward ???)
  8. I'm told it's a texture naming issue.
  9. Thanks to all who raced tonight and to LeeK and FastTrack for their stewarding assistance! Well Done to 143 for winning the A Final tonight and 229 for top scoring for the evening. Well Done to all the other winners tonight. Results: W&Y:783 468 976 622 143 417 200 666 56 Heat 1: 229 211 8 527 57 622 20 143 228 200 417 599 783 601 Heat 2: 976 691 800 238 131 244 48 39 910 468 666 56 102 Heat 3: 211 910 48 527 800 238 976 20 131 622 783 666 56 Heat 4: 229 39 691 57 228 143 8 244 599 468 417 102 200 Heat 5: 783 976 211 527 131 57 777 20 599 244 56 238 417 601 Heat 6: 48 229 691 143 800 468 228 8 39 901 666 622 102 A-Final: 143 229 527 39 131 211 228 691 622 8 800 57 777 976 238 468 244 910 599 48 20 GN 1: 229 211 800 39 910 238 131 976 783 666 997 GN 2: 48 691 244 527 777 622 599 8 57 468 143 601 Points: 94 pts 229 Tsjalle 75 pts 527 fast track 70 pts 211 EmielDeJong 65 pts 143 Camy 63 pts 39 LeeK 58 pts 691 Jakeeey 52 pts 131 rutger 42 pts 48 Tinman 36 pts 800 BenChambers 32 pts 228 Sierd 29 pts 976 rik 26 pts 622 Johandehaan 26 pts 8 Tosh 25 pts 244 Toff 23 pts 910 McFerran 22 pts 57 LittleTheo 22 pts 238 Kane 16 pts 777 HGR 14 pts 783 d_dickson 12 pts 599 Stijneman 10 pts 20 MilanSonnemans 9 pts 468 BraderzzCooper 2 pts 666 JohnH 1 pts 200 FinnRobinson 0 pts 56 Camiel Bouwman 0 pts 417 Klaasydelourens 0 pts 102 Chewy Junior 0 pts 601 Devon Usher The replays are here! Messers: 0 pts 621 Jouke 0 pts 201 ASHNFFC
  10. ok thanks for letting me know pedz
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