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UKDirt 2nd Tier Admin
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Posts posted by Toff244

  1. i was on with Shrek & Lithgow yesterday night and they were very quick round both Aldershot and Yarmouth, i was doing 13.6 round Yarmouth and 12.9 at Aldershot


    Cheers, Alex

    I seem to be doing anything half a second either way from you. Im not consistent enough.


  2. I agree with the above. The defaults will get you going well and get you somewhere near the pace. If people start sending you setups then you will fine there they all setup and feel different as they have been customed for the driver.


    cheers guys i was told default wasnt that good but that was just one persons opinion, ill carry on with it for now. i can get quite a few laps together without a spin but im not much quicker than my superstock at the moment

  3. thanks for both meetings 2nite. I wasn't expecting to win a race 2nite but I just stayed calm and drove a good race to win gn2, at one bit I thought jack249 was going to catch me wen I had back markers in front of me so I just kept up with back marker shrek296 and then jack went for a last bender but took shrek out instead, so I'm chuffed to bits with that win

    well done mate!!!!


  4. Hi,


    With a few having problems recently, I just want to test if anyone is getting crashes with our server. If you have been haveing problems, please join the UKSOM server which I have setup with Superstox and see if you still get the crashing problem.


    Anyone is welcome to join for the evening, Direct IP is



    Andy NS38


    still getting ctd on 45 server


  5. i've had problems aswell just before the practice meeting started for superstox had game crash to desktop 4 times,twice when racing on the track and twice when car was not moving also having pacecar error messeges deleted hotrod mod and still getting error messeges dont think its my connection/computer as never had problems before ran the grasstrack mod meetings without any trouble


    i had no pace car issues just the crashes to desktop, must of done it 10 times it was only in the server i went back to racing with the AI and had no trouble.

  6. first thing I would say is post up your system specs for the teckies to see. it maybe that your PC or graphics card is struggling.


    do the graphics stutter or anything like that? Is your PC running hot?


    I have no idea on spec I will try and find out I'm having no graphics problems as yet it just seems to randomly close its self down

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