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Everything posted by Lee

  1. Cracking pics. Beatifully caught the spin out on Trav that led to our shenanigans lol
  2. This. I certainly hope we can replace wednesday saloon nights with it or have a rota for other mods? as im sure car numbers will never drop below a reasonable level as the racing and action is superb! Infact i reckon it could entice more members let alone loose them. Thanks for running it, and for those persistent enough for helping me last night, for some reason none of the stuff would work and one last try had it sorted! Cyas next week if we're running them again? Perhaps an un-official team meeting with teams randomly drawn on the night?
  3. Proper racing, proper cars, proper tracks. Anything else? it was proper!
  4. Saw a bit of it live, great stages. Chance you could upload the original pic pedz?
  5. Just a question, but im down for only two heats? if im not mistaken i think you have put me down as 96M rather than 96H as 96m is currently not taken (legends car) If so i have noted my grid positions if my guess is correct.
  6. Lee

    new skins

    Was about to say Eric, if it was to be after the actual meeting them rear wheels might need to be close enough to be worn as ear-rings lol.
  7. Lee

    new skins

    Mine, for TNB World Final more than likely. Total of hour and 20 minutes or so. May remove the TJH - motorsport bit and change it for another style as it doesnt look right.
  8. Was quite shocked aswell to see Button's wages for the year, only £6 Million for him whereas Hamilton is on £16+ Million.
  9. Theres allready ways around it on the internet, one of which is changing the mac address on the xbox itself, could be costly as it involves a new console but that can allways be sold once fixed.
  10. No brad, just posting a fact.
  11. Lee

    new skins

    Not meaning to come across rude as its just MY opinion, but other that frenchy's they look horrid. Are they also meant to be blurred and its as if you took a picture and then attempted to poorly cut it out and brush over it.
  12. he said unhide hidden folders.
  13. I would be saying the above if i remembered to pick it up.... allways tomorrow to get it, atleast ive got a copy.
  14. Brilliant. Just downloaded the thing once it came out, stuff paying a tenner for something you can get on internet for free.
  15. Yeh, think host migration is a plus though, ie game pauses to find next best host. Got my copy for 26 quid. Going to pick it up from a mates in 20 minutes.
  16. Shame the sod game didnt put any damage on it as it would be proper nice Timmy.
  17. 29.99 from Tesco's midnight release. Worth going there just to buy 2 copies and sell one on to make some profit.
  18. Seen. friend was streaming his gameplay on justin tv last week, looks brilliant, shame they naffed it up for the pc. We may find out if too many changes also makes the game worse not better, due to introduction of tps and the new modes etc.
  19. Lee

    Buxton MI

    Sorry i couldnt race Johno, got ready to race late. was session closed so waited and kept getting ping timeout when trying to join. Sorry i couldnt be there.
  20. Provisional please Johno if thats possible?
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