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Everything posted by Lee

  1. I just came with excitement. Thanks for ruining my trousers, epic stuff.
  2. With new found shale pace, i plan on being there. #1 Thank you.
  3. Happy birthday... Now its almost over get back to work.
  4. The old car hasnt been broken yet, she'll do for the start of the season dave, lol.
  5. Very happy with the night, was really struggling when i joined for last minute practice, only to twig that a setup called default could be used. One 10 lap session later and 2 clicks for setup adjustments and i was ready for the night, along with being extremely happy at the pace of the setup! Still cant grasp how robin was lapping in the .3's though? Very good race for me first race with grasser, really made me work the track and i would like to say i tried my best to get him blocking in the final 4 laps when i caught back up. Other races were very good. Corny is certainly a man to look out for, top form last night and had great pace with him managing to break a big margin on me in the gn. Cya's next week.
  6. Anyone up for painting me a kitson for that new release? lol.
  7. Great racing. Only because of Woody's accidental setup sending to me lol.
  8. oooh fast rolling lap, how much quicker was i because i remember white tops right on me? lol. Good read.
  9. Lee

    New Crown

    Do the wheels break? Also whats it like in comparison to other models speed wise considering it raced last night? Looks good.
  10. Johno, maybe have the option for those without the confidence/pace to start behind SS & Title holders? If they want any help i will happily point them in the right direction and send a setup etc. Enjoyed the final, was my best race in a while. The setup tweaks had me going round spot on, it was so good I managed to save my tyres for the final few laps so i had something left for the end. Felt sorry for 399, atleast he won the GN after the misery that was the final bend. Yes I did do the GN handicapped Johno. Some great racing had tonight and thanks for the wd's etc. Cya's next week.
  11. Only just put down as a provisional in the other topic, may aswell let you know in the correct one i will turn up.
  12. Put me down for a provisional please?
  13. Are the physics still the same for the shale cars?
  14. Should exclude those who havent done a certain amount of meetings.... extreme but glory hunting doesnt appeal to me. 96h
  15. whats wrong with 8?! just split it in half and have some fun....
  16. Quality. Kitson chassis for me it is!
  17. Skeet. Try running pinto with trans-x gearbox, its what i ran yesterday and all of last season (no other choice mind you) and it seems to work fine, tried the duratec but didnt seem any different? Also try a locked diff, i did for the gn and even though i was still .5 off the pace I could be far more consistent, meaning i managed to do a couple of overtakes.
  18. Indeed, even if at times tonight was spread out, there were on average groups of 2 and 3 having their own battles after being careful/chancing their luck through the incidents. Personally I reckon you were unlucky Nezza, maybe next week it will all go right? Could we possibly do one track the whole meeting or be told beforehand the track? Would like to try make a setup that works this time lol.
  19. Enjoyable racing, very tricky to setup. As murf insisted. practice.
  20. Just wondering, is my gold roof car in the pack? My bad, just had a look and realised we are using the old packs.
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