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Everything posted by Ryan128

  1. I'll be there.
  2. No probs
  3. Yes mate top one put sales@ukdirt.co.uk Then £20 and Services,then after that u get to add a message too,state your nickname.
  4. Hi mate, Send to: sales@ukdirt.co.uk also stateing your Nickname.
  5. Hi, Paypal is fine,Checkout the Details here: http://forum.kev149.com/index.php?showtopic=26934
  6. Its just Paint.res in the Mod not working,Any idea what Mod hes trying to use?I could then Make a download so it Installs a new Paint.res,Saves hassleing around sending it and trying to explain were to put it.
  7. Ryan128


  8. Ssc.zip
  9. In your actual Ukdirt bangers folder u should have a File called Graniis.car. Then in the folder containing your Skin you should have Car55.tex
  10. yes but u dont rename ure file,your car file should be called Graniis. Refresh car manager,open it click onto a diffrent skin pack click 'swap' and then click back onto your skinpack with ure car in and click 'swap' again and try that.
  11. also change the rank from 2 to 1
  12. delete the lot and just copy and paste this: table Driver number 55 name I B4RKER I chassis granIIs rank 2 race_image 100 body_style ccar end end
  13. chassis name is wrong on the 2nd one uve put granlla when it should be graniis
  14. Try using Internet Explorer
  15. http://www.kev149.com/f1stats/2008rshaletracks.php
  16. Taken from Ovalchat: THIEVES TARGET STOCK CAR TRACK BARRIERS Thieves attracted by soaring scrap metal prices have stolen 100 crash barriers and 70 girders from a race track. Police say a truck was needed to remove the haul from the Barford stock car circuit, at Streatlam, near Barnard Castle, County Durham. Steel has reached £1500 a ton and copper £3500 a ton, leading to an increase in thefts all over the country, police said. Cyril Whitfield, the track operator, said: "They must have used a very big truck, with a big strong arm on it, and they must have worked very quickly." Despite the theft, Mr Whitfield said he would still be able to clear up the site, and get other barriers in place, to ensure that a stock car meeting scheduled for Sunday afternoon could go ahead. PC Tony Kent, of Barnard Castle police, said: "The gang must have got into the site on Wednesday night. We are anxious to hear from anyone who saw a large wagon with a big lifting arm moving around this area. We would like to hear from anyone who comes across a large collection of girders and barriers hidden away in some part of the district, as they could be linked to this crime. Anyone with information is asked to call 0845-60-60-365.
  17. PM
  18. Same here
  19. You need two 'end's at the bottom so like this... table Driver number 133 name SPUD 133 chassis granIIS rank 1 race_image 100 body_style ccar end end
  20. No problem
  21. mk5tina.zip
  22. Ryan128


  23. Happy Birthday Welly!!
  24. Could have something to do with it being a MK3??
  25. My attempt.. cheers Rodder ..
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