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About 6azza

  • Birthday 13/07/1972

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    Nothing Selected

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  • Location
    South East England
  1. 6azza


    My New Rod!?!?
  2. Click here to view
  3. CLICK HERE To view part 1
  4. Don't worry about it. It still works after the trial period ends just select 'continue'
  5. http://www.itv.com/Entertainment/Extremereality/default.html
  6. I think i was lucky with a couple of choices. A long way to go
  7. 6azza

    my f2

  8. 6azza


    Cheers WD
  9. 6azza


    Could some one do a render of this randall f2 for me please thanks 6azza #16 6azzabf2.zip
  10. Where Are They?
  11. Heres my best efforts using photoshop and ZMOD
  12. Would someone be kind enough to do a render the two retro rods for me. With the white studio background. One is a Starlet and One is an Escort mk1 My dad used to charge round arena in them in teh late 80s early 90s If anyone can help that will be great Many thanks 6azza OldhotRods.zip
  13. No, the servers are located in London. You are seeing links to Holland in MCs screenshots due to MC being in Holland. Heres my trace Is there room for improvement??? Tracing route to 1.c-servers.com [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms BelkinModem.Belkin 2 41 ms 40 ms 36 ms ge0-1.lns1-c1.tcl.planet.net.uk 3 38 ms 42 ms 45 ms ge1-0.pbr-1.tcl.as5388.net 4 31 ms 39 ms 35 ms pos0-0.ber-1.tcl.as5388.net 5 34 ms 35 ms 37 ms 10ge.the.uk.claire.as33970.net 6 36 ms 39 ms 38 ms the-mer.10g.lon.as33970.net 7 * 34 ms 34 ms 1.c-servers.com Trace complete.
  14. Could someone please do a render of the fiesta Hot rod many thanks
  15. ' 01. NR2003 Car Viewer Description: NR2003 Car Viewer. Thanks To:"White Falcon"(Fred Anderson) and "Axaptacoder"(Don Price) For Making "Carviewer available Created by: MasGrafx Filesize: 1.26 MB Added on: 2005-03-20 20:57:27 Downloads: 10149' http://www.masgrafx.com:80/masgrafxracing/...atetype=percent I found the above program for viewing cars in 3d and placing your own skins. seems to work ok with the nascars provided Does anyone know of a similar program that will work with 'nascar heat' and the modded cars. OR If there is a program, that will convert .car files TO .x files (directx mesh) Many thanks 6azza
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