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FbF 656

UKDirt Members
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Everything posted by FbF 656

  1. makes renders look loads better in my opinion, gr8 find.. heres the files Driver___Seat.zip
  2. you broke the rules. so take the punishment... whats the problem? you dont see murders moaning about life sentance "just" for killing someone
  3. just buy it tight arris
  4. What program u using?? Look at thread title
  5. nice 1 Richy sure this will help alot of people
  6. got screen shot here with few arrows painted on.... basicly in the text window on the "Fill" in the "styles" box clcik the little black arrow and a sub menu will show up like on me pic, select the second pic along, think it called gradient. then you should be away.
  7. i was told he'll be back out racing in a couple of weeks with another new car. cant be bad
  8. click here! i esspecially like the 2nd vid
  9. we do that most fridays in me m8s capri lol
  10. FbF 656

    My Cortina

    Actually, its "erik", but thanks anyway. only say it because i no it winds u up
  11. looks great rikard whats next??
  12. would go well got engine out of mk1 granny 3ltr.
  13. ...bit more involved than that m8
  14. engines in bits on the floor... like all my setups
  15. im doing hotrods at standlake this year
  16. i raced lada samara once with a dizi/starter moter/oil filter.. basicly an engine guard. didnt work though as the strut fell off lol same old story, you protect/amour it one place, it will bend in another place
  17. wanted a set of 13" hoosier(?) Dirt Stockers dont need to be brand new but decent nick.
  18. "only" a 1600e ??? they r the nuts. rather have a specd up xflow than a 24v cossie
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