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Everything posted by MartinB

  1. Well done to MartinB 981 for winning the UK Open final and for top scoring. Thanks to all who raced tonight. Results: Heat 1: 981 468 482 167 200 23 238 889 821 338 6 20 784 114 Heat 2: 910 229 143 299 589 80 122 100 691 234 671 504 575 Heat 3: 910 981 167 143 482 338 468 234 80 271 575 114 589 383 404 Heat 4: 229 238 100 691 23 201 889 821 122 504 6 20 200 Heat 5: 23 981 468 889 100 271 482 114 167 821 674 504 200 122 716 Heat 6: 234 229 910 575 589 691 338 143 80 201 671 20 238 A-Final: 981 910 80 167 23 889 122 238 589 468 504 299 100 Points: 48 pts 981 MartinB 46 pts 910 McFerran 33 pts 23 Charlieaylward 31 pts 167 CB 28 pts 229 Tsjalle 25 pts 80 ShayMurphMurphy 24 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers 23 pts 468 BraderzzCooper 19 pts 238 Kane_M 18 pts 143 Cammy 18 pts 482 ginger 17 pts 100 Tomdavison 16 pts 589 Stijneman 14 pts 122 craigcharles 14 pts 234 JackAylward 14 pts 691 Jakeeey 10 pts 338 Evnos 7 pts 575 Boris JNR 7 pts 299 Burnsy 6 pts 201 ASHNFFC 6 pts 271 alex butcher 6 pts 821 Haydini 6 pts 200 FinnRobinson 3 pts 114 StockcarboyDanny 1 pts 504 Charlie Boast 0 pts 20 Milan 0 pts 383 apracing 0 pts 404 robbiec 0 pts 674 gordonmcdougall 0 pts 784 theblacksmith 0 pts 6 THoyes 0 pts 671 BryanLee 0 pts 716 jimmymuk The replays are here! Results subject to change after disciplinary reviews
  2. Welcome to tonight's UK open meeting at Skegness. Below is tonight's meeting format. UK Open Championship Qualification: Each driver will have 3 qualifying heats in which they are able to score qualifying points for the final. The UK Open final will be for the top 24 points scorers. The UK Open will be a 20 lap race. The final will be a gridded with the highest scorer from the heats on pole. The winner of this race will be declared UK Open champion after any appeals have been decided. You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F2 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 5 heats. Heat 1: 20, 114, 271, 383, 784, 821, 6, 200, 468, 23, 338, 482, 716, 238, 889, 167, 211, 981 server 1 - 34297 ( steward 981) Heat 2: 201, 404, 575, 674, 122, 143, 234, 299, 80, 504, 671, 100, 589, 229, 691, 910 server 2 - 34298 ( steward 691) Heat 3: 114, 271, 383, 404, 575, 143, 234, 468, 80, 338, 482, 716, 589, 167, 910, 981 server 1 - 34297 ( steward 981) Heat 4: 20, 201, 674, 784, 821, 6, 122, 200, 299, 23, 504, 671, 100, 238, 889, 211, 229, 691 server 2 - 34298 ( steward 691 ) Heat 5: 114, 271, 383, 674, 784, 821, 122, 200, 468, 23, 482, 504, 716, 100, 889, 167, 981 server 1 - 34297 ( steward 981) Heat 6: 20, 201, 404, 575, 6, 143, 234, 299, 80, 338, 671, 238, 589, 211, 229, 691, 910 server 2 - 34298 ( steward 691 ) There will be no GNs Please ensure that your registered UK Dirt F2 racing number is in your rfactor player name, be warned if it isn't you could miss out on your points being counted. Please meet in discord race meeting lobby at 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the meeting!
  3. Bookings Closed
  4. Cole you are on a ban until the 15th of July. You should have received a PM.
  5. Please post your Name Number Grade
  6. Well done to Harley 299 for winning the final and 589 Stijneman for top scoring. Thanks to all who raced tonight. Results: Heat 1: 589 201 777 910 211 479 981 80 69 671 911 299 889 Heat 2: 20 238 145 147 229 691 23 234 131 338 674 622 122 Heat 3: 910 299 238 889 145 147 479 6 234 229 124 671 911 201 Heat 4: 23 80 211 122 589 100 777 622 69 20 131 404 338 Heat 5: 889 299 981 211 338 201 131 147 671 69 124 122 20 Heat 6: 23 589 80 238 674 910 911 6 622 691 100 234 229 A-Final: 299 589 201 691 910 338 211 147 981 23 20 479 889 GN 1: 80 23 889 238 211 981 131 671 145 674 299 GN 2: 777 910 691 6 100 20 229 122 622 589 201 69 Points: 44 pts 589 Stijneman 43 pts 910 McFerran 38 pts 299 Burnsy 35 pts 23 Charlieaylward 35 pts 211 EmielDeJong 31 pts 238 Kane_M 30 pts 201 ASHNFFC 30 pts 80 ShayMurphMurphy 28 pts 691 Jakeeey 25 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers 22 pts 777 HGR 21 pts 147 MarkF 21 pts 981 MartinB 17 pts 338 Evnos 16 pts 20 MilanSonnemans 16 pts 145 Skint 13 pts 6 THoyes 11 pts 100 Tomdavison 11 pts 229 Tsjalle 10 pts 122 craigcharles 10 pts 131 rutger 9 pts 479 kevharbord 7 pts 674 gordonmcdougall 7 pts 622 Johandehaan 6 pts 671 BryanLee 5 pts 69 Joran Lennox 5 pts 234 JackAylward 4 pts 911 Cole McFall 0 pts 124 Silkyyyyyyyyy The replays are here! Results subject to change after disciplinary reviews
  7. Welcome to tonight's meeting at Mildenhall. Below is tonight's meeting format. You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F2 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Heat 1: 69, 124, 201, 299, 404, 200, 479, 80, 671, 589, 777, 889, 911, 211, 910, 981 server 1 - 34297 (981) Heat 2: 20, 23, 234, 674, 6, 122, 145, 338, 622, 100, 131, 147, 238, 229, 691 server 2 - 34298 ( 691 ) Heat 3: 124, 201, 234, 299, 674, 6, 479, 145, 671, 147, 238, 889, 911, 229, 910, 981 server 1 - 34297 ( 981 ) Heat 4: 20, 23, 69, 404, 122, 200, 80, 338, 622, 100, 131, 589, 777, 211, 691 server 2 - 34298 ( 691 ) Heat 5: 20, 69, 124, 201, 299, 122, 479, 338, 671, 131, 147, 777, 889, 211, 981 server 1 - 34297 ( 981 ) Heat 6: 23, 234, 404, 674, 6, 200, 80, 145, 622, 100, 238, 589, 911, 229, 691, 910 server 2 - 34298 ( 691 ) There will be an A Final for the top 22 points scorers on the night. There will be a B Final if there are sufficient drivers. There will be enough GNs for everyone. Please ensure that your registered UK Dirt F2 racing number is in your rfactor player name, be warned if it isn't you could miss out on your points being counted. Please meet in discord race meeting lobby at 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the meeting!
  8. Well done to Cammy 143 for winning the final and for top scoring. Thanks to all who raced tonight. Results: Heat 1: 889 229 211 523 981 147 366 671 145 124 6 299 234 338 Heat 2: 691 238 910 143 589 80 100 777 784 23 154 200 114 924 303 122 201 Heat 3: 143 238 523 981 147 234 589 910 211 6 338 145 154 Heat 4: 23 124 229 80 691 889 366 200 114 784 777 674 924 671 100 122 Heat 5: 23 238 910 234 338 523 589 981 154 299 889 80 6 674 201 Heat 6: 143 691 229 784 100 777 147 211 671 145 366 200 122 114 404 924 124 A-Final: 143 889 777 124 589 691 238 229 147 23 981 671 100 234 154 145 211 910 523 338 80 784 366 GN 1: 229 124 238 338 147 589 145 981 6 299 234 201 404 GN 2: 23 889 784 691 910 100 671 366 211 143 114 154 122 523 674 777 Points: 49 pts 143 Cammy 43 pts 238 Kane_M 42 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers 42 pts 691 Jakeeey 41 pts 229 Tsjalle 33 pts 23 Charlieaylward 33 pts 124 Silkyyyyyyyyy 31 pts 589 Stijneman 25 pts 147 MarkF 25 pts 910 McFerran 24 pts 777 HGR 20 pts 523 Ernieboy 19 pts 981 MartinB 18 pts 784 the blacksmith 15 pts 100 Tomdavison 15 pts 211 EmielDeJong 13 pts 338 Evnos 12 pts 234 JackAylward 12 pts 80 ShayMurphMurphy 11 pts 366 the Stig 9 pts 671 BryanLee 7 pts 145 SKint 3 pts 6 THoyes 3 pts 200 FinnRobinson 2 pts 299 Burnsy 2 pts 114 StockcarboyDanny 2 pts 154 Devon Usher 0 pts 69 j.lennox 0 pts 201 ASHNFFC 0 pts 303 Lazer 0 pts 404 robbiec 0 pts 674 gordonmcdougall 0 pts 122 craigcharles 0 pts 924 Tosh The replays are here! Results subject to change after disciplinary reviews
  9. Welcome to tonight's meeting at Northampton (Shale). Tonight is a WQR and also a W&Y round. Below is tonight's meeting format. You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F2 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Heat 1: 69, 124, 234, 299, 303, 674, 6, 712, 145, 338, 366, 523, 147, 589, 889, 211, 229, 981 server 1 - 34297 ( steward 981 ) Heat 2: 23, 143, 201, 404, 784, 114, 122, 200, 80, 154, 671, 100, 238, 777, 924, 691, 910, server 2 - 34298 ( steward 691 ) Heat 3: 69, 143, 201, 234, 299, 404, 6, 712, 145, 154, 338, 523, 147, 238, 589, 211, 910, 981 server 1 - 34297 ( steward 981 ) Heat 4: 23, 124, 303, 674, 784, 114, 122, 200, 80, 366, 671, 100, 777, 889, 924, 229, 691 server 2 - 34298 ( steward 691 ) Heat 5: 23, 201, 234, 299, 303, 674, 6, 712, 80, 154, 338, 523, 238, 589, 889, 910, 981 server 1 - 34297 ( steward 981 ) Heat 6: 69, 124, 143, 404, 784, 114, 122, 200, 145, 366, 671, 100, 147, 777, 924, 211, 229, 691 server 2 - 34298 ( steward 691 ) There will be an A Final for the top 24 points scorers on the night. There will be enough GNs for everyone. Please ensure that your registered UK Dirt F2 racing number is in your rfactor player name, be warned if it isn't you could miss out on your points being counted. Please meet in discord race meeting lobby at 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the meeting!
  10. Well done to Jake for winning the final and becoming the new World Cup Champion, and 910 McFerran for top scoring. Thanks to all who raced tonight. Results: Heat 1: 229 712 147 238 455 671 777 114 6 691 889 100 Heat 2: 589 621 910 981 211 210 244 622 131 100 200 674 Heat 3: 712 691 777 229 100 238 579 622 589 671 889 674 114 Heat 4: 99 211 910 981 147 621 244 6 455 131 200 210 Heat 5: 691 579 100 229 889 589 777 621 671 628 674 Heat 6: 99 211 981 712 910 147 455 238 244 622 6 114 Heat 7: 579 99 229 589 147 100 211 131 622 6 114 628 691 Heat 8: 712 910 238 455 777 889 981 244 671 674 621 Heat 9: 229 691 99 777 579 589 238 621 114 6 622 674 Heat 10: 910 455 712 211 244 131 147 981 671 100 889 628 A-Final: 691 100 910 238 777 455 147 589 211 579 889 671 621 712 244 229 981 622 674 210 99 131 Points: 57 pts 910 McFerran 49 pts 691 Jakeeey 44 pts 712 ErinnM 42 pts 229 Tsjalle 41 pts 238 Kane 41 pts 777 HGR 39 pts 100 Tomdavison 39 pts 211 EmielDeJong 38 pts 455 Kbarker 37 pts 99 JDavies 37 pts 147 MarkF 35 pts 589 Stijneman 31 pts 579 LittleTheo 29 pts 981 MartinB 20 pts 621 jouke heddema 19 pts 244 Toff 12 pts 671 BryanLee 11 pts 131 Rutger 11 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers 9 pts 622 Johandehaan 7 pts 6 THoyes 5 pts 114 StockcarboyDanny 5 pts 210 Davros 1 pts 628 Stwarm 1 pts 674 gordonmcdougall 0 pts 143 Cammy 0 pts 200 FinnRobinson 0 pts 724 Yoyo 0 pts 15 Fruitshoot The replays are here! Results subject to change after disciplinary reviews
  11. Welcome to tonight's meeting at Lelystad. Tonight is the World Cup. Qualification: The World Cup will be a stand-alone meeting counting towards national points. Each driver will have 5 heats in which they are able to score qualifying points for the final. The top 24 points scoring drivers after all the heats are completed will qualify for the championship final. Championship: The World Cup will be a 20 lap race. The championship grid will be formed on points scored in the heats, with the highest scorer on pole position. The second highest scorer in second, etc. The winner of this race will be declared World Cup after any appeals have been decided. The World Cup champion MAY run a Gold stripe on the centre of their wing from front to back no wider than 1/8 the width of the centre section until they lose the title. Below is tonight's meeting format. You each should have 5 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F2 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 5 heats. Heat 1: 6, 114, 628, 712, 724, 99, 579, 671, 147, 238, 455, 777, 229,691, 889 server 1 - 34297 ( steward 691 ) Heat 2: 143, 200, 210, 674, 244, 621, 622, 15, 100, 131, 589, 211, 910, 981 server 2 - 34298 ( steward 981 ) Heat 3: 114, 143, 200, 674, 712, 579, 622, 671, 100, 238, 589, 777, 229, 889, 981 server 1 - 34297 ( steward 981 ) Heat 4: 6, 210, 628, 724, 244, 99, 621, 15, 131, 147, 455, 211, 691, 910 server 2 - 34298 ( steward 691 ) Heat 5: 143, 210, 628, 674, 724, 579, 621, 671, 100, 131, 589, 777, 229, 889, 981 server 1 - 34297 ( steward 981 ) Heat 6: 6, 114, 200, 712, 244, 99, 622, 15, 147, 238, 455, 211, 691, 910 server 2 - 34298 ( steward 691 ) Heat 7: 6, 114, 143, 200, 628, 99, 579, 622, 100, 131, 147, 589, 211, 229, 691 server 1 - 34297 ( steward 691 ) Heat 8: 210, 674, 712, 724, 244, 621, 671, 15, 238, 455, 777, 889, 910, 981 server 2 - 34298 ( steward 981 ) Heat 9: 6, 114, 210, 674, 724, 579, 621, 622, 15, 238, 589, 777, 229, 889, 981 server 1 - 34297 ( steward 981 ) Heat 10: 143, 200, 628, 712, 244, 99, 671, 100, 131, 147, 455, 211, 691, 910 server 2 - 34298 ( steward 691 ) The World Cup qualifiers will be the top 24 points scorers on the night. Starting in points order. Please ensure that your registered UK Dirt F2 racing number is in your rfactor player name, be warned if it isn't you could miss out on your points being counted. Please meet in discord race meeting lobby at 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the meeting!
  12. Bookings closed
  13. Well done to H48 Tinman for winning the final and MartinB981 for top scoring. Thanks to all who raced tonight. Results: Heat 1: 229 691 99 981 889 6 777 228 589 48 100 211 154 454 114 200 69 Heat 2: 691 777 981 100 69 229 99 454 154 48 889 589 622 6 Heat 3: 99 48 777 889 981 100 691 229 211 154 589 69 454 622 114 6 228 A-Final: 48 981 889 777 691 589 114 228 100 229 622 211 69 454 154 GN 1: 211 229 981 691 454 622 100 889 228 777 154 589 6 48 114 69 Points: 47 pts 981 MartinB 42 pts 691 Jakeeey 36 pts 777 HGR 32 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers 31 pts 48 Tinman 29 pts 229 Tsjalle 22 pts 99 JDavies 20 pts 100 Tomdavison 12 pts 589 Stijneman 12 pts 211 EmielDeJong 11 pts 228 Sierd 9 pts 454 Frans 8 pts 114 StockcarboyDanny 6 pts 69 j.lennox 5 pts 6 THoyes 5 pts 622 Johandehaan 3 pts 154 devon usher 0 pts 200 FinnRobinson 0 pts 468 BraderzzCooper 0 pts 102 Chewy Junior 0 pts 621 jouke heddema 0 pts The replays are here! Results subject to change after disciplinary reviews
  14. Welcome to tonight's meeting at Coventry. Tonight is a WQR. Below is tonight's meeting format. ALL IN Please ensure that your registered UK Dirt F2 racing number is in your rfactor player name, be warned if it isn't you could miss out on your points being counted. Please meet in discord Server 1 at 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the meeting!
  15. Please book in below with your name, number and grade Bookings close at 8pm Thank you
  16. Well done to Jake 691 for winning the final and becoming the new F2 challenge Champion and well done to Connor 159 for top scoring. Thanks to all who raced tonight. Results: Heat 1: 822 691 504 100 159 211 15 981 889 777 468 145 6 114 201 Heat 2: 147 159 981 468 6 889 100 621 777 504 145 114 200 Heat 3: 777 211 981 889 159 822 147 114 100 145 6 A-Final: 691 159 981 211 777 889 468 147 100 145 114 504 GN 1: 100 211 159 777 981 114 691 504 468 822 Points: 47 pts 159 ConnorB 41 pts 981 MartinB 37 pts 691 Jakeeey 37 pts 211 EmielDeJong 32 pts 777 HGR 27 pts 100 Tomdavison 24 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers 20 pts 147 MarkF 17 pts 468 BraderzzCooper 16 pts 822 Roelof 12 pts 504 Charlie Boast 8 pts 114 StockcarboyDanny 6 pts 6 THoyes 4 pts 15 Fruitshoot 3 pts 621 jouke heddema 3 pts 145 SKint 0 pts 200 Finn 0 pts 201 ASHNFFC 0 pts 626 Fstorm 0 pts 628 Stwarm 0 pts 882 phil 0 pts 671 BryanLee 0 pts 154 Devon Usher The replays are here! Results subject to change after disciplinary reviews
  17. The rules haven't been updated to 3 heats. I have changed this now
  18. Welcome to tonight's meeting at Cowdenbeath. Tonight is the F2 Challenge. F2 Challenge Championship •Qualification: ◦The F2 Challenge will be a stand-alone meeting counting towards national points. ◦Each driver will have 3 qualifying heats in which they are able to score qualifying points for the final. ◦The top 20 points scoring drivers after all the heats are completed will qualify for the championship final. ◦All other drivers will be entered in to a consolation race, the top 4 finishers from this race will also qualify for the final. •Championship: ◦The F2 Challenge will be a 20 lap race. ◦The final will be gridded as per a normal A-Final. ◦The winner of this race will be declared F2 Challenge Champion after any appeals have been decided. Below is tonight's meeting format. Heat 1: 6, 159, 200, 201, 626, 628, 822, 504, 671, 100, 621, 15, 145, 147, 691, 777, 889, 211, 981, , , , , , , , , , server 1 - 34297 Heat 2: 6, 114, 159, 200, 626, 822, 882, 504, 100, 154, 468, 621, 622, 147, 691, 777, 889, 924, 39, 211, 981, , , , , , , , , , server 1 - 34297 Heat 3: 6, 114, 159, 201, 626, 628, 882, 671, 100, 154, 468, 622, 15, 145, 691, 889, 924, 39, 211, , , , , , , , , , , server 1 - 34297 Heat 4: 114, 200, 201, 628, 822, 882, 504, 671, 154, 468, 621, 622, 15, 145, 147, 777, 924, 39, 981, , , , , , , , , , , server 1 - 34297 You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F2 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. There will be an A final for the top 22 points scorers. There will enough GNs for everyone. Please ensure that your registered UK Dirt F2 racing number is in your rfactor player name, be warned if it isn't you could miss out on your points being counted. Please meet in discord race meeting lobby at 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the meeting!
  19. 200 Finn White
  20. Well done to 147 Mark Foster for winning the final and 691 Jakeeeey for top scoring. Thanks to all who raced tonight. Results: Heat 1: 504 691 147 981 924 211 889 15 100 145 671 589 Heat 2: 691 981 15 671 889 589 100 924 147 504 6 211 145 114 Heat 3: 504 15 589 924 147 671 889 981 691 777 145 100 114 A-Final: 147 100 981 691 589 777 889 211 924 15 671 6 114 GN 1: 691 211 671 924 504 889 777 981 147 145 Points: 45 pts 691 Jakeeey 38 pts 147 MarkF 38 pts 981 MartinB 27 pts 504 Charlie Boast 27 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers 27 pts 924 Tosh 25 pts 589 Stijneman 24 pts 100 Tomdavison 22 pts 15 fruitshoot 20 pts 671 BryanLee 20 pts 211 Emiel De Jong 15 pts 777 HGR 2 pts 145 SKint 0 pts 6 THoyes 0 pts 114 StockcarboyDanny The replays are here! Results subject to change after disciplinary reviews
  21. Welcome to tonight's meeting at Bristol. Tonight is a WQR and also a W&Y round. Below is tonight's meeting format. Heat 1: 6, 114, 784, 504, 671, 100, 147, 622, 15, 131, 145, 691, 889, 924, 211 server 1 - 34297 Heat 2: 6, 114, 558, 504, 671, 100, 147, 154, 15, 131, 145, 589, 777, 924, 981 server 1 - 34297 Heat 3: 114, 558, 784, 671, 100, 154, 622, 131, 589, 691, 777, 889, 924, 211, 981 server 1 - 34297 Heat 4: 6, 558, 784, 504, 147, 154, 622, 15, 145, 589, 691, 777, 889, 211, 981 server 1 - 34297 You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F2 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Please ensure that your registered UK Dirt F2 racing number is in your rfactor player name, be warned if it isn't you could miss out on your points being counted. Please meet in Server 1 (34297) at 20:20pm.
  22. Emiel SS 211
  23. Fruitshoot Red 15
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