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Everything posted by Josh284

  1. I seem to have lost of lot of performance after the last update to, was running smooth before but now dropped. No other games seem affected though so may be different issues.
  2. Some stages require massive commitment. I thought I tackled some sections fast but then earlier I saw this video: which I had to check it hadn't been sped up, crazy fast!
  3. Wish I saw this beforehand, I was did just that and suffered for it - Big crash on first stage, over and out!
  4. 0 points but was a good enough night, track is crazy fast and tight with only 1 line around it - Made for some different action. Back to a proper surface next week
  5. Just finished my runs, liked the car and stages a lot. Last Wales stage I had quite a few crashes which delayed my time
  6. Not much love for the Clubman!
  7. Just finished this weeks, not a bad one to be honest. The German stage was probably my favourite, absolute balls out in the WRC cars.
  8. Well that was crap... Hate the Greece stages, don't know why, loved the cars though! Was running a decent 2nd until stage 5, then I feel off the cliff after the flag sector board but before the actual finish - RUBBISH! Maintained 2nd but only a 6 second gap. Stage 6 was worse, ended up in an Italian Job style moment hanging over the edge of a hill, then it feel and it retired me - Rally over Hoping next week will be better!
  9. Enjoyed the meeting. My setup was a little loose on corner exit compared to most other cars so that hampered me a little bit but I got a 5th in one of the heats and I think at one point as far up as 7th in the UK so that will do for me
  10. My run of stage 5 (Not stage 6 as I said earlier) here: https://youtu.be/KCg_IUtRqkE Excuse the crap start and I keep struggling to find the handbrake button at hairpins which is why they are a bit slow as well
  11. I do love Tuesday nights for some Dirt action! Just completed the 6 stages and enjoyed it. Started off on the first 3 stages slow and steady, trying to keep the car in one piece as with only 1 service area I didn't want any big accidents. After getting to the service area with little damage (Just the usual engine, brakes, turbo to repair) it was all going to plan. On the final 3 stages I started increasing speed and it flowed really well in the Escort. The final stage threw me a bit though, mighty slippy to start with but got back into it at the end when it is nice tarmac again. For what it's worth, I prefer this event setup to the others (6 + 1 service instead of 8 + 3 service?). Less stage repetition helps keep it fresh (Or maybe Monte just has less duplicated roads). Short video of me tackling stage 6 (Approche du Col de Turini) to come shortly.
  12. Well I liked those stop start stages, but I don't think my car did! As Mav said, I think stage 4 was where it went a bit belly up. Slid sideways into a tree which didn't help. Remaining ones went OK until the final stage limping with a bit of a broken gearbox and an engine which kept stalling. Enjoyed it though, that 306 Maxi sound is immense.
  13. Haha, good time there! Any way to go back and see each individual stage leaderboard?
  14. Haha, good time there! Any way to go back and see each individual stage leaderboard?
  15. F2.zip
  16. My name on the Codemasters site is just Josh. Just done the stages and what a disaster that was! Crashed heavily a few times on stage 1, 4 or 5 and the last stage, losing about 40-60 seconds on each. On the others I wasn't to far behind the other time on there at the moment, but time will tell how bad it actually was
  17. Well done Dan. Enjoyed the meeting, even if I did only get to do the heats. Bloody small track though, no room to avoid anyone!
  18. Did wonder if the "in your own time" method was how it worked - In that case count me in!
  19. I have this, good game. Absolutely *love* throwing the MK2 Escort around May be interested depending on times.
  20. Great meeting! Track is great, full throttle opposite lock action and lots of fun (Until you hit a post anyway...). Got better throughout the night ending with flukey 4th in the final (Cars getting collected everywhere) and a hard fought 5th in the national. Well done top point scorers and thanks for running it admins.
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