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Posts posted by Benchambers800

  1. Creating a skin is not a simple task, it takes alot of time for them to come out nice and most often they dont come out the way you planned. Any photoshop version will work as for the .dds plugin i dont have a link sorry. Creating a replica is very time consuming as its alot of trial and error if u dont know what fonts are used and decals etc. Once you have gotten a similar font and colouring you have to worry about the placement, you have to line everything up and if a sign goes onto the bonnet, you have to line it corresponding to the half that is on the side panel. Once you have the skin done you need to create a .VEH file which containt the correct information regarding your chassis choice and what you named the skins. You need to remember to do all roof grades to race online and have your number clearly shown on the wing/roof fin.

  2. this is gonna sound bad, but i could never ever ever ever run buxton (not such a bad thing) on my old pc as i always had an error when loading the track, dx9, dx8... u name it i tried it and there was no fix until i got my new pc, it runs fine now. just some tracks for some people dont seem to want to ever work

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