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About ShaneH57

  • Birthday 09/01/2002

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    The Netherlands, Limburg, Baarlo

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  1. Name: Little Theo Number: H57 Grade: Blue
  2. Does someone know a similar font as the sign: VAN RENGS I know it's hand painted but it's technically impossible to trace it of the car. Friendly regards, Shane Wilms
  3. Dear rFactor drivers and skin painters. I've opened a Google drive with few a my design. feel free to use them. aslong they look good on track and you don't claim them as your design. Link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=18PC5vKsNz6MKiPYNbQEob7Ia93P9dX7Y
  4. Little Theo 579 dont know grade
  5. 20UKD20_MilanS tlf.rar20UKD20_MilanT rce2.rar
  6. 20UKD579_LittleTheoT.rar 20UKD579_LittleTheoS.rar
  7. kan je mij miss die replica van lee robinson door sturen??
  8. Milan Sonnemans H20 YarT (Updated with Yellow wing) H20 Milan Sonnemans Tarmac Yarrow.rar
  9. Name:Little Theo Number:579 Grade:??
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