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Posts posted by Jimmy

  1. I know someone who used to do these, got to red think he built them aswell but not sure, I have a 1 1/2th rc stockcar but no good lol



    yeah raced them to do you race it jimmy and ifso where?


    I don't race topstox no but i race me 1/12th at rugby when i can (Not very often - just turn up for the coventry championships lol)


    Pic of mine attached i hope lol looks bit damaged atm tho lol And the bumpers got hardly any paint on it lol :5:


  2. WTF does F2's have to do with it? *sigh*


    Its not that i dont care about the people dying and so forth, yeah its not nice when that sorta thing happens and i obviously didnt post the right thing


    What i was trying to say was the fact that it is another prime example of why football is so stupid. I aint been to watch a game lately, for good reason, last time i went the place was full of yobs and chavs all kicking the FILTERED out of each other and stoned out thier faces. Now tbh, is it really a suprise people die?


    What football team did you watch? :rofl:


    Nah seriously justice for the 96 :appl:

  3. HELP please!!

    any ideas??



    25.06.765: ======================================================================

    25.06.765: Sep 6 2002 12:09:31 N W32 M6 R senor_b

    25.06.765: ======================================================================

    25.06.765: mem: p/s/t t/a 1151M/784M 2758M/2490M 2047M/2024M

    25.06.796: JoyBegin

    25.06.812: Config Dir: C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\

    25.06.812: Add-on tracks dir: "C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\tracks\"

    25.06.812: mod: trying mod "blegends"...25.06.812: mod.cfg found ok.

    25.06.812: mod: options.cfg not found, copying.

    25.06.812: mod: Config Dir override: C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\blegends\

    25.06.812: Running on WinNT version 5.1:2600 Service Pack 2

    25.07.562: Couldn't open options file: C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\blegends\options.cfg

    25.08.812: ddraw: created directdraw with ati2dvag.dll (RADEON 7000 / RADEON VE Family (Microsoft Corporation))

    25.08.812: ddraw: version

    25.10.468: vid: 64 meg card (reported:63.871094)

    25.10.468: vid: using AGP textures (58), total: 64

    25.10.578: vid: triple buffer on

    25.10.718: texture: supports compressed solid texture

    25.11.687: mr: 3D performance: 145 MPix/sec, 2424 KTris/sec

    25.11.687: mr: fill rate is OK, poly rate is GOOD, machine speed is 1715

    25.11.703: Setting keyboard controls

    25.11.703: ======================================================================

    25.11.703: () Panic: No language resources found!

    25.11.703: ======================================================================

    25.11.734: except: dec: exe 6b06c38

    25.11.734: NON-DEBUG

    25.11.734: ( 00419510 , none , my_handler )

    25.11.734: ( 004194A0 , EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 0041A7F5, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 00412A2D, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 004E99B7, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 004EBC41, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 004EBC41, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 004EBC0F, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 004EBAB6, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 004F12C0, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 004F140D, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 004E7925, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 0041295B, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 004132FE, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 0041B285, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 0041B393, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 004963FE, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 0041B175, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 00418F24, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 00496537, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 004960A4, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 00411DBD, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 00495CD2, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 00411DDB, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 00401235, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 004011BA, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 00413F27, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 004E81E0, call-stack , ? )


    SORTED but no i get this : Any ideas?


    00.48.718: ======================================================================

    00.48.718: Jun 20 2001 09:45:38 N W32 M6 R senor_b

    00.48.718: ======================================================================

    00.48.718: mem: p/s/t t/a 1151M/781M 2758M/2450M 2047M/2024M

    00.48.781: JoyBegin

    00.48.781: Config Dir: C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\

    00.48.781: mod: trying mod "blegends"...00.48.781: mod.cfg found ok.

    00.48.781: mod: options.cfg not found, copying.

    00.48.781: mod: Config Dir override: C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\blegends\

    00.48.781: Running on WinNT version 5.1:2600 Service Pack 2

    00.48.796: cached file: barker.car

    00.48.796: cached file: blegends.ico

    00.48.796: cached file: bourne.car

    00.48.796: cached file: car100.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: CAR101.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car104.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car110.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car111.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car12.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car130.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car131.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car142.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car146.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car152.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car154.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car16.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car160.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car175.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car176.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car179.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car18.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car190.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car199.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car2.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car203.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car207.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car208.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car210.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car211.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car212.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car219.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car22.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car222.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car228.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car229.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car244.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car250.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car252.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car257.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car258.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car260.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car261.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car265.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car270.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car272.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car274.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car281.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car286.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car287.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car288.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car29.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car293.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car3.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car304.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car306.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car310.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car317.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: CAR322.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car327.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car33.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car339.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car34.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car345.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car351.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car354.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car36.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car375.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car391.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car393.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car396.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car4.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car407.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car41.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car42.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car422.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car444.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car462.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car467.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car471.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car481.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car497.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car5.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car50.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car507.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car51.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car515.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car53.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car55.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car555.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car59.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car64.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car65.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car73.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car74.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car75.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car777.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car8.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car85.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: car91.tex

    00.48.796: cached file: chisy.car

    00.48.796: cached file: cleanup.bat

    00.48.796: cached file: common.res

    00.48.796: cached file: crony.car

    00.48.796: cached file: drivers.txt

    00.48.796: cached file: finn.car

    00.48.796: cached file: harry.car

    00.48.796: cached file: hillam.car

    00.48.796: cached file: leighton.car

    00.48.796: cached file: lintern.car

    00.48.796: cached file: markey.car

    00.48.796: cached file: mellor.car

    00.48.796: cached file: mod.cfg

    00.48.796: cached file: paint.res

    00.48.796: cached file: paint256.res

    00.48.796: cached file: part.res

    00.48.796: cached file: powles.car

    00.48.796: cached file: superstu.car

    00.48.796: cached file: taylor.car

    00.48.796: cached file: tyldesley.car

    00.48.796: cached file: ui

    00.48.796: cached file: ui.res

    00.48.796: cached file: wainman.car

    00.48.796: cached file: war.car

    00.48.796: cached file: wedge.car

    00.48.796: cached file: welt.car

    00.48.796: cached file: wild.car

    00.48.796: cached file: willie.car

    00.48.796: cached file: willtwo.car

    00.49.515: Couldn't open options file: C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\blegends\options.cfg

    00.50.625: ddraw: created directdraw with ati2dvag.dll (RADEON 7000 / RADEON VE Family (Microsoft Corporation))

    00.50.625: ddraw: version

    00.51.859: vid: 64 meg card (reported:63.871094)

    00.51.859: vid: using AGP textures (58), total: 64

    00.51.875: vid: triple buffer on

    00.52.015: texture: supports compressed solid texture

    00.53.359: mr: 3D performance: 143 MPix/sec, 1462 KTris/sec

    00.53.359: mr: fill rate is OK, poly rate is POOR, machine speed is 1715

    00.53.390: Setting keyboard controls

    00.54.796: bink(intro.bik): open failed (Error opening file.)

    00.55.000: DirectSoundCreate fails! (DSERR_ALLOCATED)

    00.55.000: using sound mixer Sound

    00.55.296: Installing paint jobs...

    00.55.296: res: ResourceGet("stock2.tex") not found, returning NULL!

    00.55.390: ======================================================================

    00.55.390: () Panic: Can't load resource set "stock.car"

    00.55.390: ======================================================================

    00.55.406: except: dec: exe 6a0b1a2

    00.55.406: NON-DEBUG

    00.55.406: ( 00419040 , none , my_handler )

    00.55.406: ( 00418FD0 , EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT , ? )

    00.55.406: ( 0041A325, call-stack , ? )

    00.55.406: ( 004126BD, call-stack , ? )

    00.55.406: ( 004E8C12, call-stack , ? )

    00.55.406: ( 004E6B55, call-stack , ? )

    00.55.406: ( 004125EB, call-stack , ? )

    00.55.406: ( 0041B8B1, call-stack , ? )

    00.55.406: ( 0041BC3A, call-stack , ? )

    00.55.406: ( 0041BC4C, call-stack , ? )

    00.55.406: ( 004D0141, call-stack , ? )

    00.55.406: ( 004E6B55, call-stack , ? )

    00.55.406: ( 0049BF07, call-stack , ? )

    00.55.406: ( 004D00AB, call-stack , ? )

    00.55.406: ( 004D28F8, call-stack , ? )

    00.55.406: ( 00411AFF, call-stack , ? )

    00.55.406: ( 004012A0, call-stack , ? )

    00.55.406: ( 004011BA, call-stack , ? )

    00.55.406: ( 00413B9B, call-stack , ? )

    00.55.406: ( 004E7410, call-stack , ? )


  4. HELP please!!

    any ideas??



    25.06.765: ======================================================================

    25.06.765: Sep 6 2002 12:09:31 N W32 M6 R senor_b

    25.06.765: ======================================================================

    25.06.765: mem: p/s/t t/a 1151M/784M 2758M/2490M 2047M/2024M

    25.06.796: JoyBegin

    25.06.812: Config Dir: C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\

    25.06.812: Add-on tracks dir: "C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\tracks\"

    25.06.812: mod: trying mod "blegends"...25.06.812: mod.cfg found ok.

    25.06.812: mod: options.cfg not found, copying.

    25.06.812: mod: Config Dir override: C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\blegends\

    25.06.812: Running on WinNT version 5.1:2600 Service Pack 2

    25.07.562: Couldn't open options file: C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\blegends\options.cfg

    25.08.812: ddraw: created directdraw with ati2dvag.dll (RADEON 7000 / RADEON VE Family (Microsoft Corporation))

    25.08.812: ddraw: version

    25.10.468: vid: 64 meg card (reported:63.871094)

    25.10.468: vid: using AGP textures (58), total: 64

    25.10.578: vid: triple buffer on

    25.10.718: texture: supports compressed solid texture

    25.11.687: mr: 3D performance: 145 MPix/sec, 2424 KTris/sec

    25.11.687: mr: fill rate is OK, poly rate is GOOD, machine speed is 1715

    25.11.703: Setting keyboard controls

    25.11.703: ======================================================================

    25.11.703: () Panic: No language resources found!

    25.11.703: ======================================================================

    25.11.734: except: dec: exe 6b06c38

    25.11.734: NON-DEBUG

    25.11.734: ( 00419510 , none , my_handler )

    25.11.734: ( 004194A0 , EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 0041A7F5, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 00412A2D, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 004E99B7, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 004EBC41, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 004EBC41, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 004EBC0F, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 004EBAB6, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 004F12C0, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 004F140D, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 004E7925, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 0041295B, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 004132FE, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 0041B285, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 0041B393, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 004963FE, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 0041B175, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 00418F24, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 00496537, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 004960A4, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 00411DBD, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 00495CD2, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 00411DDB, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 00401235, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 004011BA, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 00413F27, call-stack , ? )

    25.11.734: ( 004E81E0, call-stack , ? )

  5. A Virus going round which says:

    *Cough* then a link with your email address at the end, dont click it as it will infect your computer or delete msn or something, Cap and Dazza have already been caught as it gets sent to everyone on your contact list.


    Thought i'd say something before anyone else is 'infected'






    sorry all on my msn ,i hope i didnt virus anyone i was talking to someone and thought what was this and clicked then everyone was like whats this ??? i should have known better .. many apologies guys


    gogs :scared15:


    aww crap

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