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Everything posted by TheGreenGenie

  1. Gr8 meeting thanks chaps Congrats to all the winners C ya next week TGG
  2. Well done to Drumbstick on winning the series, and to all the other race winners tonight. Bad luck to Hutch (So near but yet so far) I would like to say a big thanks to all involved in getting rFactor F1's up and running as well as those that put in the effort in organising the racing. I had a great time tonight and I can sure see the benefit in a bit of effort to practice, 2 race wins my best ever. Catch ya soon chaps. TGG P.s The Kr3w league will be moving for the coming season, Check us out at Sim-Stox.
  3. Just need to make room for a new project and unfortunately serving video's sucks up bandwidth limits, but its been a pleasure working with splinter, he puts out top class work. Cheers TGG
  4. Just to let ya know that the current site, TheMagicLamp.org will be closing as of sunday so if there are any of splinters video's you still want, You have till then to download them Cheers TGG
  5. TGG--298 Booking ta
  6. Hi ya, sorry for the delay. 415 shale & 297 tarmac if they are available.... cheers
  7. 490 Taylor for both for me please...
  8. Just thought i'd try some rFactor rendering to see what sort of quality the models are. As you can see there pretty awesome. Laters TGG
  9. Im gonna be out this afternoon but i will look into it when i get back tonight kruiz
  10. Great meeting and series, had a thoroughly good time racing. Congrats Drumbstick, the best man won in the end, Hutch...... what a loser..... lmao (he'll kill me for that) Well done all that have raced throughout the series and/or contributed to it. Have a great chrimbo and new year and may all good fortunes rain down upon you and your families. Laters TGG PS. Will get the vids updated ASAP.
  11. TGG--298 booking plz
  12. Hi ya chaps, Just thought i'd jump in and offer my own views on the subject. 1-- I have never used the front bumper with the sole intention of taking a person out of the race, I did have an altercation with Ironmac at one meeting which I appologised for. This came about due to a lack of consentration as far as race positions and laps go. 2-- I can't ever remeber an occassion whereby I have slated another driver for the use of contact on me, in fact i would openly encourage gentle pesuasion as i refuse to move out the way of another car, this is not grand prix racing (what ever next Blue flags ) and i seem to remember a praccy session with Mat(413) in which we spent a great deal of laps exchanging hits so that we had some idea on how to deal with them in a race. 3-- Unforunately you are going to get the odd one or two that find it amusing to drive 'Full chat' ( omg love that expression) into another driver and these should be dealt with accordingly ( i.e loss of points, bans etc) but we have to be carefull not to erradicate the whole essence of what is a contact formula. Hope this make some sense, If not just ignore it lol. Catch ya trackside TGG
  13. Rounds 7 & 8 added at TheMagicLamp Laters TGG
  14. Sorry people, been out of action for a while. Will get the videos updated tonight and post here when done.... Laters TGG
  15. I've just bought 2 more pistons for my motor giving me a total of six, so i should be a bit closer to the pace TGG--298 booking in...
  16. Cheers Splinter, The R5 vid is now available at TheMagicLamp.
  17. TGG--298 please.....
  18. Round 4 is now available....
  19. Sorry for the delay, the Hi-res video is now available. Excellent stuff Splinter.
  20. TGG--298 Pleeeeeeeaaaaaazzzzzeeeeee
  21. I think that a big percentage of the problems could be either solved or eased with a little knowledge, we all know the importance of a good car setup but very few (myself included) really know where to start in this regard. I usually rely on people like Hutch and Drumbstick to offer a setup and then through blind luck adapt it to suit my driving style (outrageous), whilst this is good i would much prefer to be able to do this myself. What would be great is that if someone in the know could explain the basics of putting a good setup together, you can find a fair few articles with relevance to circuit racing but not a lot for short oval/stockcars, so if one of you super dooper star men has a few hours spare jot down some notes for us. Us lesser mortals would be most appreciative... Laters TGG
  22. Hey Tosh, What wheel are you using, coz i have a sidewinder (gameport version) and i have issues with that, the biggest problem with them is microsofts unwillingness to support its own hardware, hence the reason i went back to a pad for this week. Ive found that the best solution is to have FFB on but turn the effects off, if that makes sense, you still get the resistance in the wheel although you dont get the rumble effects. Its a compromise until i can afford a new wheel. My biggest advice is, stick with it and providing you can put up with being the but of Hutch's p-taking you will end up loving the game. Laters TGG
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