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Posts posted by Magpye105

  1. Kev,


    I only came back on this forum today after a very long time away, busy with kids and racing in real life....but If it were not for you doing what you've done for UK Dirt over the past 6 years then some would have struggled, myself included when I was Admin! Maybe one day I will return to the leagues, just need to find some time lol

  2. Considering this track is run for enjoyment rather than profits, I was amazed they managed to get a meeting underway last Sunday after all the rain we've had. Credit to the team of people smoothing the track out to give some great racing again. Only a week earlier one of the bends was a great big puddle!


    A note to some of the promoters out there in oval racing land....let the kids in for free, it only would cost us £14 to take 6 of us out for the day (if we weren't members, but seeing as we are it only costs us £6!!! And only another £3 for me to race!)


    If anyone fancies a good day's racing then its well worth a visit. Checkout my website for more details and fixtures etc



  3. Got an email through last night from Matt Bull.....


    It was a horrendous crash but to be honest I dont think his injury was caused by a particularly bad weld or anything like that. The initial clash which saw him in the fence on the home straight was quite a light impact and he was trying to free himself from the other car. His inexperience meant that he swung out at right angles to the approaching traffic and Delbert 697 just hammered him directly in the drivers door at full speed. In short it was the worst possible impact at the most vulnerable part of any car. Obviously the car then tumbling didnt help the driver and the helping hand from 698 just compounded his trouble.


    Delbert 697 also had to be helped from his car but thankfully he was just winded.


    Just thought it may help to know the full circumstances. Such an impact on any car would probably have similar consequences unfortunately.





  4. I was horrified to hear that in his first meeting in the car, Lee(??) Andrews racing my old 1300 Polo for the first time since he bought it from me 12 months ago had a bad accident, and I have been told that he broke both his legs in the accident. Looking at the photos online on Matt Bull's Website you can see that the cause of the accident was being speared into the fence, which looking at the photos broke the front end welds. Looking at the excellent series of photos that Matt Bull took, Andrews rolled several times down the home straight, looking like he managed to do the whole length of it. It didn't help being hit whilst on roof on the drivers door by 698. Looking at where he had come from why did he not avoid it like his team mate in 697 who was right behind him.


    My thoughts go out to Andrews, as since I heard the news earlier in the week I've thought that could and probably would have been me, had I taken the car to last years Spedeweekend. Makes you think about buying a old second hand stock car that looks solid, but when needed the welding fails.


    If anyone knows this guy, and knows how he is, please let me know.





  5. Have you seen anywhere on the net that I'm racing National Bangers :o at the end of May :scared15: ????

    Yes will be racing an Austin Westminster for the Tourette Syndrome (UK) association charity. Sponsorship is going ok, but as always would love to do more for any charity. I've rasied about £250 so far, so still way off the £1500 I wanted to raise.


    Have A look at this page to sponsor me...£5 will help!


    I will be (fingers crossed) returning to the Hot Ford formula on July 30th at Northampton in my green & white XR2 provided I can get the engine rebuilt in time. Incarace have now allowed us to travel to Sheffield, Brampton and Buxton as long as it doesn't clash with one of their meetings, so might venture up north for a few later in the year too.[attachmentid=6009]


    Come and say hi and drop a tenner in the bucket at Wimbledon on 28th May for the Pre70 World Banger :blink: Finals!!!



  6. Thanks for all the kind words, Kelsey is out of intensive care now and is on the ward with her bother and mum :thumbup: Thanks to all the hard work of the nurses giving her 100% attention :appl: , she is now stronger than her brother who wasn't eating, but now is getting his appetite as they are back together.


    God knows how I can get back into UK Dirt now, way too busy... feeding... winding... nappy changing. And that is just my missus! :scared15:


    Hope to be back online soon, as I miss the rush of it all!



  7. Just to advise those who are remotely interested, My darling partner Tam delivered a healthy boy Kyan and a healthy girl Kelsey at 6.41 and 7.00 respectfully, this morning. Both were nearly 7lb, so i'm in for a beating when she gets out of hospital! Although Kelsey was healthy for first 6 hours she is now in intensive care due to a chest infection, so a bit of a worry and delayed baby wetting session now in case the phone rings!



    Chris aka Magpye

  8. Must you lot butcher every classic?


    :bootyshake: No of course not, you could buy them all, that would stop them being raced.

    Trash I'm sure I will do you proud for once and butcher this one....or should I say I'm sure the other guys out there will butcher me in it! But who wants to see these cars parked in fields and never driven....time to send it in style to the car heavens

  9. Yes it is me that was 'lucky' enough to win it....was only doing it for the good of charity LOL!!! :scared15: When Nico rang about 7.30 , I thought it was aprils fools day still but he said no we've just had the raffle and you've won it :blink:


    But I will be there and I will be racing it! :thumbup: It is going to be the only racing I'm doing for a while and hopefully that is only due to me not being in a position to sort the Hot Ford out, and not due to me spending a few nights at the A&E department.


    I will be doing this for some sponsorship, to raise even more for the charity, when I've sorted out the details I will be posting my pleas.


    Thanks for the good wishes and hope to see some of you there!


    :2: Chris

  10. All the best m8.


    Hope all goes well for all three of ya  thumbs_up.gif   appl.gif  appl.gif

    Thanks Joker....but there are 2 other CP Motorsport fans who'll soon be in their small overalls from one of my girlfriends previous relationships...so it will be the 5 of us soon!

  11. Well Well Dave is a brave man! (Dave......surely I'm better to donate my money to you to fix the car after "gently gently" tugs has had a play with it! LOL)


    Seriously I'll bung ya a tenner Tugs for the bravery of it, and if you win then will make it up to £50.  Go have some fun Girl!  Let me know where to send it to and most importantly GOOD LUCK!!!


  12. Hey. who's that guy driving the 105 Hot Ford on the following pages of www.rollingstart.net ???


    Its the one and only Firestorm....Just after a hose came off before practice and shed boiling water all over the scruteneering bay...and my legs!!!!  "c'mon Paul, drive it to the tap to refill it whilst I bodge it some more!!!  shame the car only drives for another 3/4 mile before refusing to continue each race!!!  Roll on 2006....forgetting 2005!!!! Year to forget  scared15.gif

  13. Reason for letting your tent down was you punch like a panzy. Not once did your taps hurt. 


    Well Thanks anyway Mr Mechanic!!!  However if through your light hearted drinking affair 1 can per hour you can remember I never punched you, it was Simon Berry and Jay Austin that were doing the punching and I was the one who saved your beer on more than one occasion!


    Remember to repay the favour with mentioning the mother and daughter combo (oops already did)  scared15.gif


    Roll on Hednesford on the 12th August for the Hot Rod Nationals.....If you are man enough to camp and drink loads of beer! wink.gif


  14. The damage from 72 cars (which was hard to get the rolling lap moving!!!) was disappointing really, but enough with the 3 trucks for me to catch a well needed 20 mins sleep which due to Aussie's brother Pants827, Jay404 and firestorm, not to mention Stock Car Simon Berry was restricted to about 5 hours in a drunken state!!!!


    The formula of the meeting again for me was for the second year running the 1300 Stock Cars.....5 rollovers in the first heat!!! So glad in a way that I sold the Polo last weekend, otherwise it may have gone home and straight to the scrapyard!!!!


    Well Done to Keith Martin for a quality clean drive, Sim must have been happy!

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