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About jock

  • Birthday 19/01/1981

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  1. jock


    Latest one i been working on.
  2. jock


    My new ATR car. And Walker u eva thought it might not be the league thats poo. As you will have noitced that the smell has followed you. So maybe check *downunder*.
  3. Go to "Start" (at bottom left of screen). Then click "Run" (Usually situated bottom right-Just above the turn off computer option). Now where it says Open:THEN THERE IS A BOX TO TYPE IN. Type in C:\Windows\Fonts. This should then open up your font folder! Next what you will have to do is individually "Extract" all the font folders(where ever you have downloaded the folders too). And its just a simple case of dragging each truetype font file into the font folder you opened previous. This should then solve the problem you are having.
  4. jock


    Done for Mr Haggis.
  5. jock


    Thats prob my fault as well mate. As he asked a while back and i said " I will ave a go at them sometime, But when i dont know" As got to many things going on at the minute. Then i managed to get time(sooner than i thought) to ave a crack at it. So sorry on that behalf
  6. Is'nt the exhaust from the finninkin ??? Also looks abit like it could have came of the speak car. I have mkres'd a few cars in need of the 3d files(BUT AFTER ASKING THE MODELLER IF IT IS OK) I just find it easier to paint them when i have them in 3d dunno why but i just do. But can honestly say not once have i ever had that urge/notion to start moving things about or changin things as 1. The cars look fine as they are 2. To save the modellers just gettting totally pi**ed with us all and stopping them all together By this i mean creating them and releasing them for us ALL to enjoy.
  7. jock

    FAO Maus

    He has just asked me to do em a new one which i started for em Have u's ever had that feeling that you have just wasted yer time I DO!!!!!!!!!
  8. Try right clicking the layer then and going to blending options and making it 0% rather thn 100% (opacity) i think
  9. Soz bud. I know u pm'd me askin the basics. I've just not had time to getting round to makinu up a small tutorial guiding you in the direction to start off. I use photoshop7(am a oldie) sticking to what i now best So i'll try and find some free time tonight and get a basic tutorial done to help you over a few off the hurdles(and i'm still jumping em) so it never stops
  10. This could be why then Thanks for takin the time scrapman appreciated
  11. Radeon 9000
  12. Pentium4 2.8GHz 512Mb RAM
  13. I found this and thought it could be off use demon. Its courtesy of www.scotstox.cjb.net (MEK)
  14. I have downloaded the trial version and the patch(cant mind wht it was called but i have it) and installed both. Once i open it up off desktop icon it opens up plays the video clip. Then opens up with three option bar down the left hand side. Sure there was a spanner,steering wheel and something else. Go's so far then music stops and its like the full game has crashed. Cant exit it or minimise it you have to turn comp off at the wall and start it up again ??? Any help would be appreciated Thanks in advance
  15. Ooooo no look what i've started Oooppssssss
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