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About thekirker1

  • Birthday 09/05/1972

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  • Location
    glenrothes scotland
  • Interests
    stock cars
  1. lol, i think i will go for a
  2. £120 isn't cheap for blue paint forrest was running a leda shows how much you know pedz
  3. be as well phoning your gran, lol class cheers mate i,ll try again
  4. hi folks, im having download and ping time problems, i have 4mb cable but my ping and download times match that of a dial up network, when i phoned telewest about this they just say i have spyware but ive since ran 4 programs and its still the same, i have run, spyware doctor 3.2, spysweeper, ad-aware personal and blueyonders own one, any info greatly appreciated cheers stevie kirk
  5. full results 24, 732, 79, 647, 886, 871, ni998, 558, 642, 103, h30, 210, ni925, 744, 151
  6. timmy finished 7th, unlucky timmy mate, brave effort after your troubles last week TIMMY FOR GOLD 2006
  7. Daz has told me that 2 lads were seen loading the lump into a lime green/yellowy coloured fiesta, prob an 01/02 reg, so if anyone knows of a car of these colours, let him know taken from stoxnet
  8. I have been asked to post this statement on behalf of Eric Bethune, cowdie scrutineer Having read some of the reports on the net by so called stockcar fans, I feel I should let the truth come to light. During post race scrutineering of the 382 car an engine infringement was found, ie cross drilled cam, although this has no power increase to the engine, it is clearly stated in the rules that this is not allowed. Danny on discovery of this was left gutted as he has entrusted his engine builder although accepting that he would be held responsible. To stop all the gossip about danny being called a cheat ect, I had at the nationals last year carried out a full engine strip and everything was found to be perfectly legal. So come on guys stop knocking the guy when hes down. Eric Bethune Cowdenbeath scrutineer
  9. well done soaps, nice to see the officials get appreciation for once
  10. The mans been caught cheating im no telling lies or talking crap he's a cheat the buck stops wi the driver no one else!! And how do i have the means?? Neil williamson spent 30 grand and couldnt compete so i dont think i do have the means prydie my ugly bald friend!!! 26732[/snapback] i dont know you shaft but reading your posts i take it your about 10 years old
  11. yes good pics andy but its a bit boring seeing the same pictures on two different sites
  12. didnt chris lattka get a ban for the same thing a year or two ago
  13. if its me then saloons were good, f2s were mince, just my opinion
  14. 851 has not sold the car, he should be at knockhill
  15. f2s were absolutely rubbish imo well done to michael bethune who would have won the final if the lap down 626 hadnt held him up
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