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  1. Sassy254


    i would be there but its hootyjr's birthday... hooty snr will be there Sassy
  2. roflmao thats got to of come from a mans dream world. Sassy
  3. Happy christmas to all.... remember stay safe dont drink and drive!! Sassy
  4. Congrats lakey and Toni Here's to the many sleepless nights Hooty n Sassy
  5. Happy birthday Hooty Now you can blame old age for yer bad memory! love Sassy
  6. Spike Sorry to hear you are taking early retierment but hopefully u will be bk the following year. Good luck in your job m8 Thanx for all the work u have done in the past for ukdirt Regards Sassy
  7. Albertz hope you and your family have a good trip we wish u the best of luck. I was wondering if it were possable that when albertz gets his pc running agen we could do a meeting in his honour to thank him for the last 3 years he has done. I also know that it would have to be on a sat not a tues day because of the time difference so he could join it with us and we could give him a good banger send off. I just thought it would be nice send off for him even if its a bit late what r everyone elses thoughts? Regards Sassy
  8. Many happy returns to u both... sorry its later tugs u look sooo sweet!! Sassy n Hooty
  9. a slight snow here not alot too wet were to settle atm Sassy
  10. lol we got soup no coffee..but we have cake with your name on Sassy
  11. Ill be there.....prolly
  12. Happy bithday to u happy birthday day to u happy birthday dear pedz happy birthday to you... Have a great day m8 Sassy and Hooty
  13. Happy birthday hoots i wont tell em how old u r just yet sassy
  14. Happy "rodding" birthday we hope bbr got u a cake big enuff to fit all the candles on Have a good night Sassy n Hooty
  15. Happy birthday only the best ppl today.....have a gr8 one Sassy
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