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Posts posted by andy2oo7

  1. I've heard that he's had a nasty Motorbike accident, injuries include two broken wrists.



    All the best mate :ambulance:



    Just the one wrist mate, the others just sore i think, could have been alot worse giving the road that he came off it at, thanks for posting a topic up ( saved me doing it lol)


    Get well soon dad :thumbup:

  2. I am getting this message coming up on on youtube but i havent changed anything


    Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player. Ive got flash player 10


    Iv been getting that swell mate, noramlly i just go back a page then reload it and it works

  3. Sorry but could you explain that a bit more (brisca heat for dummies) for me mate?

    Thanks for taking the time out.


    No problem mate, Right what to do is.


    Copy the drivers.txt file you want to change and paste it on your desktop, then open it up and do what your wanting done then save it.


    Then once the edited file is on the desktop, simply copy and paste it game into the efftwo folder ( or what ever mod your changing )


    Load the game and thats you

  4. Cannot create the C:\ Program files\ Hasbro Interactive\ NASCAR Heat\ efftwo\Drivers.Text File.

    Make sure that the path and file name are correct


    Thats what im getting, First go at skin painting for a while, not done it before on VISTA.



    I get that all the time mate, best moving it onto your desktop then do your editing then save it and move it back

  5. thanks andy, just some of them look a lot like hotrods and wasnt sure.


    3 vertical teeth on front bumper ?


    is that a problem? more or less?



    Saloons have big steel bumpers :shrug::banghead2::bop: Dont know about anyone else but i find the difference between a saloon and a hotrod easy to tell :scared15:, and yes there is a good few rods and that in the gallery as its loads of pics from the 80s :042:

  6. here is an update and a better angle (front isnt mapped yet). i have deleted the x bars and added two uprights (not dont horizontal bars yet).


    also skitzo thinks the frame should be on the outside of the body panels. what do yous think?




    Have a look here mate, loads of old saloons that will give you an idea

  7. just bumped up a topic thats over a year old...


    Was thinking that myself lee lol, those to cars got binned ages ago for another project and steve as i said a historic saloon mod may not get made as i cant get max 3 to work on vista

  8. im buildin a car following nick m's guide.


    i have mirrored the car and when i go to weld the verts down the middle i get a box saying "no vertices within weld threshold" this is with 0.05 in the box where it says weld like nick m's guide says. am i meant to get the message above or do i have to change something?


    try clicking Collapse rather than weld, it does the same thing but make sure that you dont select a vert on the other sid eof the car or you will end up folding it up

  9. looks awesome shame my comp wont run rfactor...


    i think you shoud change the front end of the capri take the chin spoiler/bumper off and also make it right hand drive


    have you got any better renders of the frleetwood hearse cant realy see it in detail on the 1st one


    I used american blueprints :L, dunno how to switch it over without redoing it all, I like the front how it is :P


    And i'll get some better renders soon.


    if you used templates you would have been able to make it right hand drive anyway.


    the blueprints i used to get the shape for my vectra and mondeo were lefthand drivers and hand nothing to do with where i put the seat




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