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Everything posted by Damo127

  1. upload that m8!
  2. perfect cheers
  3. no m8 cheers anyway.
  4. A fair while ago i had a decal with bullet holes on! can somebody upload it please Cheers
  5. You will need mod launcher 2 Get Here Install then direct to the run folder in nascar heat dircetory Then when complete click on a option called TRACK MANAGER then add warton to the left side! andit should be in the game!
  6. Damo127


    pazza skins mint other than the 44 on sides looks to apart if you know what i mean
  7. you could of sketched it though as some people do..some look real mint...have a look at the rfactor f1 section and see some of the paint jobs
  8. Hi ive got rfactor but i cant find the link to knockhill..i saw on sim stox they have been using it..can somebody post up a link to the download.. Cheers
  9. Zarky here...Same thing happend to my mum. The thief was in malasia and my mum hasnt been abroad for about 10years. First it was £1.50 - £5.00 each time then went up to like a £100 a time..my mum ended up getting robbed outta like 600 odd pounds. When she notcied on her bank statement she stormed upto llyoyds tsb and they said they can only giv her £100 back. She made a fuss but she said it was better than nothing. I think they got the card details of a website where she brought something off. Cheers
  10. anybody got the mildo one on youtube..as i went home after the allcomers 3!
  11. Damo127


    he should of put a bit of white tape where the wheel was straight as he quoted 'he went to fast and didnt know when the wheel was straight' not his fault could of happend to any driver
  12. i preferd the old layout of the site easy to get to e.g pages car templates or tracks instead of going down and down.
  13. bloody mint!
  14. Damo127


    whats wrong with you rodder
  15. i go the same line round the corners as the al do but they go through the tires and i hit into them...unfair advantage...can this be fixed
  16. i reakon beacause of wee dodes and braderz actions with warton (them realeseing it) he has deleted it after everybody in tnt had the track. Thats what i think im proberly wrong
  17. will come in handy for the people who havnt got experience in photoshop or PSP looking good
  18. About 6 weeks ago Zarky started making a online magazine called Caged! As it says in the title.. Like wasted i am puttin adverts for e.g photo sites...wanted cars...Companys This is free (If you was wondering) Let me or Zarky know details e.g Number(not needed in some cases)...name of Advert....stuff like that... Issue 1 should be out in a week or 2 depending on my spare time...its nearly complete along with site...all i need is a couple of pics and adverts.. Cheers Zarky and Damo
  19. no he making a new volvo 740 estate i think..not to spill beans if he hasnt said
  20. Damo127


  21. i have had a word with braderz and he said i was childish
  22. if swindy wanted it to be realeased properly he would of put it on here and on ovalbangerchat himself..not for braderz and you to advertise it..It was used for TNT last night for a online test too see how the track went...use your brains
  23. Damo127


    the damage renders bloody good for a first go!
  24. Damo127


  25. 85.942 is my best after 30mins tryin
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