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About Toward

  • Birthday 27/11/1991

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  1. Agreed,proper damage Snapper! Cooool motor
  2. Most important question of all......do the wings fall off in traditional style? lol Looks good Snapper,i too have wanted to see a P6 out there as they're a pretty big part of Mildenhall and Kings Lynn's Pre meetings and i felt they should be on the game.
  3. Any word on this car Marsman? Was quite looking forward to it.
  4. Cracking stuff Haadee Love the look of the Bel Air,man its cool!
  5. Cheers for posting the letterring Kane,used the letters for my first go of making a proper skin today must also say thanks to Jamesy as i used an old Decal he made Thanks Guys
  6. Pah no point in that,just brown nose like i do Dode i love you.......
  7. lol look for a shrek look a like haha
  8. You'l stand out a mile in a hig hviz! lmao thats why the warton bit comes in handy,can't see anyone else having a Warton stock car club thingy on their back
  9. Ippy for me,come say hi to the young lad in the warton stock car club hi-viz jacket
  10. yeah it is thanks bud!
  11. I'll be there,in my Warton stock car club hi-viz or if its warm a mob t-shirt (not your average 1 though) Come say hi!
  12. I personally like the car snapper,you been doing some hard graft for heat lately,keep it up mate!
  13. RFactor or Heat? I know of one for heat.... ooooo do share lol i know brampton is supposed to be getting done and the new barrow and st day are coming
  14. RFactor or Heat?
  15. Yeah thats true,the real track had big blocks blocking the cars crossing the middle.
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