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Posts posted by ALi P

  1. Not a problem m8, had fun finding these as discovered loads of other items hidden away on long forgotten cds, including the pics used for the uk dirt taunton track, and also the ones supplied to Moz for Bristol uk dirt track!!


    Speak to you soon re other st day pics, next meeting as previously said is 15 Feb.




  2. Hi Drumstick


    Seem to recall posting a host of pics relating to St Day back along, of course may have been lost in the forum issues, had them from the air as well as at every point of the track, would you like me to try and dig out and post here, or alternative?

  3. "Awsome pics once again tosh."


    Agree with Walker Tosh, some great mouth watering action shots there.


    "You should be the photographer for the stock car mag called unloaded"


    Dont agree with Walker there, you'd be stood in the middle of the track for some of them shots,,, believe me Tosh the pay is nowhere near enough to be that committed !!






  4. Thanks Johno, good stuff, and tbh we are now getting the type of information that should have been released initially, perhaps in the form of a survey result rather than giving us the plan for the season without any basis or substance provided.


    For example we have now been advised that 60 drivers voted, or took part in the survey, first time this has been indicated, in my mind I was picturing much lower than that, thus felt that it was being railroaded through for other reasons.


    If you dont provide detail human nature is to make things up to fit, either through concern, or out of malice.


    I can understand to a certain extent the reason for suppressing information, as that can give ammunition to some, sometimes, and certainly in our case, I believe it would have helped, rather than hindered.


    I believe that advising us of this sort of information would have helped admin set the scene, paint the picture, and support the decision taken, rather than the "cart before the horse" as we currently have.


    Thanks again.


    ps, 8 days a week?, you could do an extra shift down the chippy elvis!!




  5. Cheers for reply Kruiz, and for explanation how this decision has been arrived at.


    My intention is to change the record now, I have had my opinion, some of admin have had the graciousness to explain how the decision has been arrived at, even though I absolutley cannot agree that the small survey undertaken has then produced this result.


    Big Al, in my line of work I have to work with staff to offer alternatives and compromises that will hopefully provide a win - win for both the company and the staff, I must have asked them their opinion on a particular subject to be able to decide a fundemental aspect of the decision.


    For heavens sake this is our hobby, our release from work and other issues, for some it is a major highlight of the week, :thumbs_up: it really would be the right thing to have been fully consulted on these "compromises" that admin have decided on our behalf without those actual questions having been asked of us,........ is it me?


    I am really going to have to lie down now, as I find myself agreeing with Pedz (of all people! :rofl: ), re the mirc evening, something am I sure Danskin will confirm I asked for in my rather long survey return back in November, with a set of meeting rules, and a chairman to police it, it does have its merits, ah well.. :banghead2:


    Now..........where are those suggestion threads?





  6. Kruiz

    First of all can you please note that I haven't followed the bad manners being displayed through this thread by some by cutting and pasting a quote, and then starting a reply without including the name of the person you are responding to, that is very impolite, and demeaning, when in fact we are all equal.


    Thank you for helping me with the figures of drivers who have an issue with the plan for running F1 heat and RF on the same evening at staggered times, you say it is only 5 or 6, I must have mis-counted, as I thought I read 9 individual posts refering to issues with this.


    I honestly have no axe to grind with any of the admin team, indeed, I have been known to get on quite well both on and off track with some, but I really do struggle to understand the problem with discussing and allowing the people who race the opportunity to genuinely have an input to something as drastic a suggestion as this. Please do not try to play this point down, it is important.


    Can you help clear up one point for me, when you say that only 5-6 drivers have a problem, but a large number of drivers have not, how do you really know this? Are you saying that those drivers were asked in their survey whether they were happy to race 7.30/9.00 on alternative weeks, because I didnt see that question on my survey. Of course, I know the answer to that question, at least I hope I do, so if I am correct what you are saying is that you are counting up via this thread "for and against" and justifying it in that manner?, sounds very much like a kangeroo court survey to me if so, why not bite the bullet and do it correctly, is it really too much to ask?


    BTW, as a footnote to our admin members that have communicated via this thread, thank you for responding, at least you have the courage of your convictions.









  7. Point taken Crewe, I appreciate that both F1 heat and RF have a suggestion thread, but as you can see the statement released by admin has prompted much debate, imo quite rightly so, and as such is currently far, far more important at this moment in time than ideas for the season.


    BTW, I am sure we all appreciate the work that admin do behind the scenes on our behalf, I certainly do, but as the majority of people on here are voicing some concerns relating to the plans for the F1 season, be it heat or RF, it will be prudent for admin to have a re think re the items justifiably raised by the members, it is only ethical and right to do so.


    ALi P

  8. 'bathyboy81'

    "With respect Ali P and Scrapman (& Matthew), you are both coming at this with colours pretty firmly nailed to different masts.

    Its not my place to say if the responses should be made public, I personally don't see the point, but the majority of votes on both sides indicated that people would race the other mod if their vote wasn't carried.

    This was especially true among the Heat votes, accepting that Rfactor was the longer term future of the UK Dirt league, but for various reasons feeling that March 2008 would be too early for them to be racing it. "



    Cheers for reply Bathy, as even though you have indicated that you dont see the point in responses being made public, (fair shout), in your comments, reading between the lines you have managed to fill some gaps, and give me some answers, or indications to how "drivers" generally voted, so again thank you for that.


    Personally, whilst I indicated in my survey back in November that I would race Heat and wasnt sure about RF, I am honestly not sure if that is now what I would do now, as I have indicated somewhere else I currently only have RF as a racing mod on my computer, so maybe scrapman and I are not as far apart as you have presumed!! (I have Scottish blood in me too, believe it or not!!)


    I will still say that a planned 7.30, or 10 minutes earlier on occasions based on Johno's comment, is a tad early, particularly if the practice session pre the meeting is your one chance in that week to firm up your set up "in practice".


    Also thank you to Mike for your comments, which further endorse the thought process behind the choices made, but I make no apologies for saying again decisions of this magnitude should have the buy in from the majority of drivers who wish to take part, the choices made on our behalf may actually be valid and correct, but I cannot help feeling that a little bit of empowerment would have gone a long long way.


    Ali P


  9. Johno


    You have mentioned earlier than you would prefer positive comments rather than negative ones, but it is difficult not to make comment in such manner when the result will be a complete mess up of my Thursday evenings.


    You also say that discussions have been ongoing since September, with whom?


    With all due respect the only question I have seen asked of us, the ordinary racer, was on a thread heat v RF, via a survey, and that only asked which do you prefer!


    Where has been the consulation on points such as prefered times/ race nights/ would you do both/ etc?


    Why are we only now being asked for our "suggestions"via the threads on heat and RF?


    BTW the result of the heat v RF was, so we are led the believe, a tie. Again, is that all the feedback we are going to get, not even how many people voted, not even a glimpse of any salient comments emminating from the survey?


    Personally speaking, I believe that if we are to have two different race mods for F1, both in effect different to race in so many ways, then I feel that a different race night completely should be the only way forward, as not only is the plan fraught with time constraint issues for drivers juggling everyday life, but for the ones who do want to race both codes then I do not think it is fair to jump from one to the other on the same evening.


    I do agree that it would appear that a decision has been made, but I think it only fair we are allowed an opportunity to make our feelings known, and I have tried very much Johno, really I have, to be constructive.


    I appreciate that these suggestions should be in the appropriate thread, but I have followed the lead of others on that so I apologise in advance.


    I agree Mav, I do think that you should have to do 5 laps of practice to determine your grade....... in your case in heat though ;):scared15:


    ALi P







    Fav book; fly fishing by jr Hartley


    Cheers Kriuz made my week, I will cancel my sp b day this June now :thumbs_up:


    For info the only mod I currently have on my puter is RF,read into that what you will, as you seem to be able to know what everyone else is thinking.


    (Hmmm, a thought may be just to apply for an admin role in RF, just to listen to the bleating when it really starts)


    Not sad, but ;)




    Alan Parkinson














    No I can hit people without spinning, so can others, and we do it well, but you can't hit everything at any time becuase you feel like it. You have to be patient, get the right amount of contact when the weight distribution is in correct place around the axis, its a skill.


    Why is it that an "expert" can take something you already know and make it sound confusing?


    Take a word of advice, you are setting yourself up for a big fall with some of your comments, such as "I can hit without spinning, " and we do it well"!! you'll be saying next I race so realistically that I run out of fuel in a race..


    The leagues havent even started and you are making it sound as if the drivers that have taken part in RF thus far are all you expect to race in the league, surely not?


    I guess if you take a straw pole of the real Stock car racers that have raced RF thus far they will want, and expect to have, far more competition than they are currently experiencing now, for now this is the practice period, a taster, a prelude, that is all, nothing more.


    Wait until the real racing starts, then we will see just who are the experts, please keep the comments coming, I have a full hard drive to save them onto. ;)


    ALi P









    To laugh that the comments on this page.... I THOUGHT IT SAID RFACTOR F1! when i clicked on the icon, i still read about the 1's... and when i get more time or the odd nite free i will return and have a blast round.. but reading this might have to take the bumpers of steel off and replace them with a contact bleeping warning device by the sounds of it


    Have to agree;


    Here, in no particular order are some of the quotes on and around rf race chat and on the forum that I have seen since RF "started", note these are genuine quotes, the names have been removed to protect the originators from shame


    "This is a new culture"


    "The new guys are the ones we want to keep turning up every week"


    "We should only hit hard in major championships"


    "XXXX" took me out, I saw red"


    "Dont sit back and let the morons drive out the quality people"


    As LLoydy from Preston Front used to say..............."makes me laugh"!!



  13. Matthew


    Tried this and hey presto it fires up straight away.

    Cheers for help m8, exactly the type of information I was looking for.


    I have got spyware doctor and I must admit it does seem to strangle the life out of everything now I come to think about it.


    Just got to try it connecting on line as it where


    ALi :thumbs_up:


  14. Dont know about the potential disasters you listed Danskin, but having loaded the new patch when I go to load R factor it takes an extraordinary amount of time to load the game, can take a couple of minutes whilst the puter seems to be searching, but once loaded seems to function ok.

    Before I go and buy my way out of trouble I have attached screen shots showing puter spec, and graphic card spec.

    Could this be a contributing factor for the problems I have outlined above, or is there something else I can check?

    Thanks in advance for any help or advice.






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